Chapter 8

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Katie was completely serious when it came to studying hard after the first day back. The first couple days we studied together, it was weird and took a little adjustment for both of us, but after a week, it was like second nature. Most of the time we studied, we both had headphones in, focusing on our own work, and the only time we would really talk is when I asked her a question or on our way out the door. Alternating days with her and Nathan was easy for me, and we always found something to do at the end of the day. On the days we studied together, she ended up joining my family for dinner, then insisting that I play piano or guitar for her. On Nathan's days, she found her way to the practice room as the final bell rang, and walked with us to my car, before going home to her family. Katie came from a big family, and it was always a circus around dinnertime at her house. I think she liked having dinner with Mom and I, because she at least had peace and normal conversation at least a couple of times a week.

It was our goal on the weekends to try something new, or get her to venture out and find something. This weekend, we're going to a rock show at one of the smaller venues in town. All week, we've been listening to the band's music, so we at least knew some of the songs when we were in the crowd. Even though it was a smaller band, it was one of Nathan's favorites, and he bought tickets for all of us to go. Mom wasn't thrilled that it was at a bar, so she only allowed us to go if she drove us there and picked us up after the show. I was hesitant at first but ended up agreeing, since that was her only rule, other than the obvious no drinking or doing drugs rule, but that was a given.

The show was on Saturday night, and Katie showed up at my house bright and early, around nine o'clock. I groaned, trudging up the stairs after her. She was so excited, she took the stairs two at a time, jumping and squealing to wake Nathan. "Ugh, isn't it a crime to be awake at this time on a Saturday morning?" Nathan whined, covering his head with the pillow.

"Maybe other Saturdays, but not today! I'm so excited for the show I didn't even sleep!" Katie squeaked. "What time is the show, anyway?"

"Doors are at seven, but the show doesn't start until eight," I yawned. "It might be wise for you to get some sleep so you don't collapse in the crowd tonight."

She frowned, visibly deflated. "Damn it. Anybody up for breakfast?"

"No," Nathan and I grumbled.

"Fine, fine. I suppose I could sleep before the show, anyway. Where can I pass out?"

"Follow me," I lead her to Jennie's room. She gasped at the sight of the room, completely decorated in all pink everything. "I know it's brighter than what you like, but I swear, this girl has the most comfortable bed known to man. You should have no problem passing right out." Katie peeled her coat off, and was already settling in under the covers as I shut the door behind me. Nathan snored quietly by the time I crawled in bed, his head still hidden by the pillow. In a matter of seconds after snuggling up close to Nathan, I fell right asleep, and didn't wake again until lunchtime.

The rest of the day, the three of us holed ourselves up in my room, half screaming, half singing along to I See Stars blaring through my speakers. Mom checked in a couple times throughout the day, before finally retreating to the kitchen to start dinner. As Katie and I started getting ready for the show, dancing around in front of the bathroom mirror, Nathan curled up on the end of the couch and settled in, reading a new book he's been dying to get his hands on. I figured he would have more fun reading than watching us girls flail around, only settling down to avoid poking ourselves in the eye with eyeliner or the mascara wand.

After an hour of dancing, makeup, and hair, Katie and I finally made our way downstairs, just in time for pizza. "I know we never order out, but I figured since you guys are headed out to the show soon that you would want something quick and easy to scarf down." Mom smiled, handing each of us a paper plate. "Not to mention, this way, you guys will have something to reheat for a midnight snack later." She grabbed three plastic cups and two two-liters of soda, setting everything down at the table for us.

"This is great, Mom. Thank you," I hugged her quickly before sitting with Nathan and Katie. "You're not eating dinner with us?"

"Not tonight, sweets." She sighed. "I have a meeting over dinner and I'm going right after I drop you all off at the venue." I furrowed my brow, unable to stop the small bit of worry that I felt. "It's okay, Cam. It's nothing huge or serious, but I will be right on time picking you guys up tonight." She smiled, ruffling my hair.

"Ma, not the hair!" I huffed, attempting to smooth it back down. My auburn hair was typically wavy and unruly, only behaving when I dragged my flat iron through it twice a year. "It took forever to get it to cooperate, you know how my hair is." I whined.

"It will be ruined from the jumping and whatnot tonight anyway, stop whining." She left us to eat, chattering excitedly about the show and bands.

"I just hope these opening bands have quick sets! I just want to see the headliner!" Katie squealed.

"Be real, Kate. You just want to see the hot drummer!" I teased.

"N-no!" She stammered, attempting to cover her cherry red cheeks. "I'll have you know the singer is a total hottie too, you know. I know that's who you're there to see!"

"Nice try, Kate. It's okay to have celebrity crushes, it's all a part of growing up!"

"Shut your mouth! I know you have them too, and I'm going to tease you mercilessly when I figure out who they are!"

I giggled and winked at Nathan. "Good luck, girl." I pointed at Nathan. "This one doesn't even know who they are."

"Of course I do, I know you're all crushed out on me," He gloated, smiling with his chin in the air. Katie and I giggled together. We left the house about a quarter to seven, pulling up for the show right on time for the doors to open. The line was insane, wrapping halfway around the building, full of people who were taking pictures, chatting, and laughing together in anticipation of the show. I already had butterflies; I've never really been to a rock show before, only band or choir concerts put on at school, and this is the polar opposite of school shows. As we all shuffled out of the car, Mom reminded us no drinking and no drugs, and to call when the last band goes on so she can be on the way. "I love you guys, just please be safe!" She called after us.

"We will, Mom. Love you too!" I waved her off, and she smiled before pulling away from the curb. Despite the line being long, it moved quickly once people showed their ID's and handed their tickets over. By the time we got inside, the first band had finished setup and soundcheck, and started rocking out. Honestly, they weren't very good, but they loved what they did, and there's no shame in that.

It felt like forever before I See Stars finally played, and I knew Katie grew bored quickly. She wandered off, getting an energy drink from the bar and checking out the band merchandise on display. She was flirting with one of the guys at the merch tables, and I'm not sure what her play was, but she seemed deflated by the time she joined Nathan and I again. She crossed her arms and pouted, but immediately perked up when I See Stars jumped on stage, filling the whole place with loud, amazing music.

After the show, we waited outside for Mom, obsessing over how amazing of a time we had and how awesome it was to go to our first rock show. Nathan obviously is not a rookie, so he let Katie and I babble on and on for about ten minutes before interrupting to ask where Mom was. I called Mom and it went straight to voicemail, so I opted to use Uber, so at least we could make it home before freezing to death. When we arrived at the house, it was empty and dark, which told me neither Mom or Dad had been home yet. I decided to have Nathan take Katie home and stay here to wait for at least Mom to come home. Right as Nathan's car pulled out of the driveway, my phone rang.


"Hello, I'm looking for Camille Anderson."

"This is she, who's calling?" Panic started to settle, like a big knot in my gut.

"This is Deborah from the emergency department at Community Hospital. We need you to come in right away, there's been an accident."

"I'll be right there." 

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