Intro chapter

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Natasha's pov

"Great job girls! Next practice is Wednesday at 6 am."
I told my cheer team. Right on time the bell rang. I rushed to my first class. English. Our project was due today and a pile was made on the teachers desk. I sat in my usual seat near the back. Class went as always until someone knocked on the door.
A tall blonde with ocean blue eyes and a strong build was talking with our teacher.

"Class listen up."
Everyone faced him.

"This is our new student Steve Rogers.
Go take a seat by Natasha over there. "
He pointed my way.
The blonde, Steve, made his way to the empty desk beside me. We didn't talk much except for the occasional question of borrowing my pencil sharpener.
My next class went by quickly and the lunch bell rang out through the school. I made my way outside. My boyfriend Clint Barton and the rest of his gang, the untouchables, always sit under the tree. It's perfectly shaded and it's just out of site for them to smoke.

"Hey Tasha"
Clint said puffing smoke out of his mouth
I waved back sitting next to him, pecking him on the lips.I wouldn't say I'm part of their gang but I definitely hang out with them enough for anyone to think so. The gang wasn't very big. Only consisting of 5 guys. Clint, Bucky, Loki, Wade ( doesn't have an injured face) and Peter. They had matching leather jackets with cheetahs on the back. Don't ask me why. And all five guys were on the football team.

"Did you hear about the new kid?"
Bucky said

"His names Steve"
I piped up not taking my eyes off my phone. I could practically feel their eyes on me, rolling mine in return.

"He's in my English class. Blonde, blue eyes, muscular."

"Saw him in my Math class."
Peter said
I've always liked Peter. He's like my little brother.
I heard my phone go off. Dad. Oh no.


Natalia you promised me you would take the garbage out this morning. I told you five times.


I'll do it when I get home. I'm sorry.


Damn right you'll do it when you get home. That is if you have enough energy

With that message I panicked. My dad drinks. A lot. He has a huge temper and takes it out on me. I've only just finished healing from the last time. The purple bruising on my stomach had gone away, and the cuts on my back sealed.

"Natty you okay?"
Wade said noticing my change in attitude.
I didn't realize how shaky my breath was, or how pale I was.

"Yeah...I'm fine."
After that they didn't question me. I've always thought of telling Clint or Bucky about my dad but every time I do, I think back to the words he tells me. If you tell anyone you can bet you'll wish you hadn't. It may not seem like a harmful threat but when my dad gets mad.... their was one time, back when I lived in Russia, where he gambled. Clearly drunk and angered he used a broken beer bottle to stab my back multiple times.
A tear escaped my eye remembering that. It's not even the worst of it, which is what scares me. I used the sleeve of my cheerleading uniform to wipe my tear away. I quickly stood up feeling lightheaded.

"I have to go, cheer practice. "
I lied
Leaving the gang i decided to just go home. I could hear the school doors practically calling me. I rounded a corner and was immediately knocked to the floor.

"Are you ok?!"
It was him. The tall blue eyed blonde.
I nodded. He stretched out his hand pulling me up.

"Are you sure your ok? You look pale. Are you ill?"
He asked concerned

"Yes. I'm heading home."

"I'm Steve by the way."

"I know you sit beside me in English."
He blushed with embarrassment

I said before pushing open the doors and running home.
I unlocked the door too see my dad waiting for me. The house smelt like alcohol.


"Dad were you drinking again?"
I asked hoping it wasn't true

"What does it look like? Use your brain Natalia!"
A sting lingered on my cheek. A red hand mark could probably be seen on my face.
I stepped towards the kitchen when his hand gripped my wrist yanking me back.

"Did I say you were excused?"
His strong alcohol breath breathing close to my face

"No, but-"
Another slap.

"Did I ask you anything else?"
I shook my head.

"Good Natalia now go take the garbage out. "
I ran to the kitchen. Broken bottles and beer cans littered the kitchen. Grabbing the garbage I put it on the curb.

"Natalia bring me more beer!"
My dad said a while later from downstairs

"I'm doing homework"
I said back.

"Now Natalia!"
I rushed downstairs. I grabbed a bottle from the fridge and walked over to him. I tripped on a shoe, the bottle broke, the contents leaking everywhere. Struggling to pick up all the broken pieces, my dad towered over me.

"How can you be so careless Natasha! Tripping over your own shoes! Their is a closet for a reason."
He grabbed my arm and forcefully pulled me to my feet. Taking a glass shard from my hand, he embedded it in my ribs. Gasping, I felt him pull it out and he kicked out my legs. Landing hard on my ground he stepped on my face before saying what I think was " I'll be back in two days, I want everything cleaned up" before slamming the door. I could hear his car drive away.

DONE!!!!! ( but Natasha is cleaning her wounds up, it's not super gross but if your still uncomfortable skip the rest of the chapter)

I let a couple tears fall. Slowly and painfully struggling to stand I held my hand over the stab wound.
Should I call Clint? My dad would never know right?
But like always I thought of his words. Not wanting to risk what he would do I made my way to the washroom. I turned on the shower. I stripped off my blood soaked shirt and the rest of my clothes. Climbing into the hot shower I let the dry blood wash away. The water relaxed my muscles and felt nice all together. I stayed in the shower until the water became cold stepping out I wrapped my stab wound and cleaned my face. My cheek was a little purple, nothing makeup couldn't cover. My nose luckily wasn't broken. I limped over to my bed where my homework was sprawled out. I only had one question left. Quickly calculating it I popped an Advil and fell asleep.

Thanks for reading my book guys. I usually don't do abuse in my books and I'm not sure how much I like it, or how good . We'll see how it goes. I can always send him to jail if I want too.
Make sure to check out my other books if your a romanogers fan. I hope the whole abuse scene wasn't to gory or disturbing. It probably won't get any worse than this, if it does I'll warn you

Love 10starlight

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