Day of lies

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Steve's pov

I heard someone mumble my name. The voice was feminine.

"Steve you have to wake up."
My eyes cracked open, my mother-Sarah- was looking down at me. I groaned. Sitting up I could feel the tension in my muscles. Natasha still lay sound asleep next to me on the small hospital bed. Pushing back the covers my feet touched the cold floor.

"You have to go to school"
My mom said, pulling up the sheet and covering Natasha's delicate body. Her red hair fanned out on the pillow. My face softened looking at her.

"Mom I- "

"Steve, I know she's your friend but she'll be here after school.
I frowned but hesitantly I nodded my head. My eyes glanced to Natasha once more before I left the hospital.

I didn't focus at all during my classes. I couldn't get Natasha's words out of my head, or the look of terror in her bright eyes. You did this.
When lunch rolled around I bumped into a girl with long drown hair.

"Oh sorry"
I said
The blonde beside her steadied her balance.

"It's no problem"
She said. But her face changed, displaying a worried expression.

"Do you know if Natasha's ok? She came in the bathroom a couple days ago in a lot of pain."
I remembered the day she collapsed during gym class.

I didn't know whether to tell them she's in the hospital.
I decided

"That's good to hear"
The blonde said, although I think she could tell something was wrong.

"I'm Wanda and this is Sharon"
I shook their hands.

"Nice to meet you girls."
I said walking off to my usual picnic table, when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Hey Clint"
His face was emotionless but his eyes showed worry.

"Come sit with us Cap."
I smiled compassionately and followed him to the shady spot under the willow tree.

"How is she?"
Peter asked after silence, clearly worried about his 'sister'
I knew these kinds of questions were coming. I hesitated on my answer. Should I tell them about what she said? Nat seemed pretty closed off after she noticed I was in the room.
I let out a breath

"She could be better"
I said disclosing information for the second time today.
Bucky and Wade lit another cigarette.

"Did she say what happened?"
Loki asked
That's the question isn't it. Natasha hasn't revealed to anyone what happened to her, but the doctors had to find out eventually. Right?

"No. She's kept quiet"
I whispered thinking once again about her words. I knew for certain someone had done this to her. You did this. But who? I didn't ask her about it.

The boys frowned. I could tell they all cared for her. Especially Clint. But he was quiet.

"You okay Clint?"
He didn't look at me.

He said
"My girlfriend is in the hospital, beaten up somehow. The police have no leads! So no I'm not ok Steve. "
He said, taking a deep breath.

"Well maybe a little better now"
He added slightly smirking.
I put a hand on his shoulder.

"She'll be ok."
I said but I wasn't sure if I was telling him or myself.

Natasha's pov

When I opened my eyes Steve wasn't their. That made me slightly sad but he did have a life after all. The blinds were drawn, but bright sunlight still seeped into my plain room.

"Natasha dear? Can I come in."
I recognized the voice as Sarah.

I said my throat scratchy. To my relief she came in with a glass of water. But I also noticed the clipboard tucked under her arm.

"Here. "
I took the glass from her hands and drowned the whole thing. When I put it down on the small side table, Sarah had sat herself down in a chair close to my bed. The clipboard was on her lap and she clicked her pen.

"Natasha I know it might be hard for you to tell me, but it's important I know what happened. "
My heart pounded. I'd already made the mistake of texting Steve-but then again if i hadn't I'd probably be bead- and telling Sarah about my dad wasn't good if he found out.
So like usual I made up a lie.

"Theirs a forest behind my house, I went for a run and tripped. A stick impaled my leg, when I got back to my backyard I pulled it out. Then I blacked out. I guess I rolled into the pool. And the fall must have reopened my stitches."
Sarah nodded along to my story writing it down.

"Thank you Natasha"
She smiled.
"I'll get your dad to sign the release papers and you can leave tonight."

With that she left. But the look in her eyes told me she knew I was lying. What am I going to do if she asks me again?
I groaned lying back down with a flop.

Clint's pov

When lunch was over I skipped the rest of my classes. I got in my car and drove to the hospital. I had to admit, I was still a little jealous that Natasha had called Steve to her house that day and not me, but he helped save her life.
I pulled into a parking spot and strolled into the hospital.

"I'm visiting for Natasha Romanoff"
I told the lady. She told me her room number although I already knew it, and let me go on my way.
I opened the door to her room to find her reading.

"Hey Tasha"
She smiled and put her book down.

I walked to her bedside and enveloped her in a hug. Her small arms wrapped around my torso. I let go pulling her into a kiss.

"How are you feeling"
I said sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Better. I leave tonight"
She said emotionless, not an uncommon state for her.

"Tasha can you tell- "
I started finally asking the question we all wanted to know.

"Is that why your here? To find out what happened?"

"No! Of course not. I came to make sure my girlfriend was okay. But we all are curious."
I admitted taking her hand in mine. She breathed out.

"The file is in the basket hanging on the door."
I got up and pulled the thin paper out. I read it at least twice before putting it back and returning to her side.

"So? Are you gonna tell me what really happened?"

Yay! Another chapter! All right guys since I haven't updated in a while I'm open to new ideas to expand on. Let me know if you have any👍🏼

Love 10starlight
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