Stitched her soul

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"I'm sorry"
I managed to say before the door was opened again, our time was up.

Natasha's POV

I stood silently staring at the closed door. I blinked when the door opened again, I tilted me head to look out. Phil- Coulson was talking angrily to another women, Dr. Smythe walked in and silently closed the door behind her cutting me off from the outside world.

I sighed quietly.

I shuffled on my feet and crossed an arm over my stomach to grip the other.

"We've found a new therapist for you."
She said rifling through her papers.

I whispered
Dr. Smythe then handed me a business card.

Dr. Fitz

"He wants to meet with you"
I nodded.

"Look Natasha this is how it has to be"
Her eyes stared into mine trying to get a reaction or a read on me. I made sure she didn't.
Thankfully she led me out and to the elevator.

6th floor, door 14.

I dragged my feet as I walked through the hallway. Matching doors lined either side, it seemed to stretch forever. My breathing wavered as I neared my destination.
I couldn't think of anyone else but Coulson. Not only had they taken him off my case, but stuck me with someone new in a different building.
This is a new level of separation I thought.
Tucking a piece of red hair behind my ear I made a fist to knock.
I was taken aback when the cloudy glass door swung open.

"Hello, you must be Natasha."
Who I assumed was Dr.Fitz said gesturing me inside. His office was nothing special either. Mostly books on a shelf and then his desk, which was cluttered by the way, that was tucked into the corner. I took a hesitant seat on the blue plastic chair in front of it.

"So Natasha I'm Doctor Fitz, I'll be conducting the rest of your sessions."
He said clearing his throat to get my attention, it didn't really work. Dr. Fitz seemed like a nice man, he dressed nice-not a wrinkle on his shirt-hair was combed back and his face held a natural smile. But he was no Coulson.

When he noticed I wasn't going to say anything he spoke again
"How about we start with foster care huh?"
That grabbed my attention

"Yes I thought that would intrigue you"
He said typing on the computer.

"Do I get a choice with who I'm staying with?"

"Unfortunately no. Because you need to be put in the system as soon as possible, you will be put with someone as soon as possible."
He stopped typing and returned his focus to me.

"Natasha I know this a bit rushed but understand this is what's best for you."

"So taking me away from someone who was actually helping, was best for me?"
I snapped crossing my arms

"I'm sorry you feel that way."

"Yeah me too"
I mumbled

"Now, I've been briefed on your situation and am in possession of Coulson's notes"
He said trying to change the subject.
That made me feel a little better, it definitely saves me the trouble of starting over.

"Natasha I'd say you suffer from PTSD."
Dr. Fitz said flipping through a file, my file.


"Post traumatic stress disorder. It's common after situations of great distress or trauma."

"I guess I fit right into that category huh?"

"It seems so"

Coulson's pov

"Dr. Coulson I suggest you leave before I revoke your license as well!"
Barbra said to me
I took one last look at the closed door Natasha was behind and stormed off.

"Phil? Is that you?"
Malinda called.
I kicked off my shoes and shrugged off my jacket letting it crumple in a heap on the carpet. Malinda was sitting on the couch when I found her, I sat down.

"What are you doing home so early? Is everything ok?"
She asked setting aside her tea.
I sighed. A warm hand was placed on my knee as if asking me to speak.

"I've been taken off of Natasha's case"
I whispered

"Honey I'm sorry."

"She-she reminded me so much of Thalia, our little girl."
I picked up a picture of her that was framed and sat untouched for ages on the coffee table. Dark hair flowed over her shoulders, and a smile graced her face.

"I know she did"
Malinda said setting the picture back in its rightful spot.

"God May, I was finally helping her and then-"

"And then they intervened"
I nodded running a hand through my shirt hair.

"May I-I, she was so broken. But then I fixed her."
I smiled sadly
"I did my best to piece her soul back together."

"And you did, when she was here, I saw how she was with you. Comfortable."

"But that was the problem."
May took my hand in hers and intertwined our fingers. She pressed them too my chest.

"You have such a big heart Phil. The way you were with Natasha saved her. She is doing better because of you."

"That's how I help people May. Comfort, contact. And if I can't do that then..."

"It's going to be hard. But you'll still be what your patients need Phil. I promise."

"I was what Natasha needed"

"You still are, she needs you Phil. And I think you need her too."

"She's closed the hole in my heart May"

"I know"

Natasha's POV

Suddenly the computer chimed. Dr. Fitz rolled on his chair to face the screen. He didn't try to hide his slight smile.

"Good news Natasha, we've found a place for you to stay in- Chicago."
My heart plummeted to my stomach.

Hey everyone! I'm sorry it's been so long. June is just really busy for me and especially with exams. But now that it's summer I'll have more free time to update so stay tuned for more.
Also quickly, if you didn't know cause I don't remember ever really specifying they live in NY currently but for Natasha maybe not...

Love 10starlight
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