Chapter 4...Our kiss was a mistake.

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"Shut up already" i said annoyed. I wasn't in this room with him just so he could sit around carelessly and wait for me to tell him all the answers.

"Come on, please?" he said making a puppy dog face. No use trying Dylan, it doesn't work on me.

"It doesn't work on me Dane"

"Yes it does!"

"No it doesn't!"

"Yes it does!"

"No it doesn't!"

"Yes it-

"Alright fine! Whatever!" I shouted, ending our argument.

I think my shouting really worked because after that he didn't even dare to go out of the room. I didn't shout on purpose. it's just that I get annooyed by him sometimes. And believe me, it's not just him.Seeing his face made me want to laugh but I didn't. He didn't even ask any answers from me. We worked for about an hour or so and then decided to order pizza, to only end up in an argument again, only this time about who will call for the pizza.

"Idiot, I can't!"

"Why not?"

"Because I'm a girl!"

"But I can't either!"

"And your reason is?"

"Because.......I'm not feeling well? Yeah!"

Okay let me just say that, that was the lamest excuse I have ever heard in my life.

"Look, I don't wanna hurt you." I warned.

"Yeah right." he scoffed.

OKay, that was it. That was the limit. I pounced on him sending him straight to the ground but unfortunately he grabbed my wrist pulling me under him. I tried to move but he was too strong. Like totally. And then suddenly he moved forward so now that he was only inches apart from my face. His breath was really tickling me. And before I even knew it, he had pressed his lips against mine. The kiss created fireworks all around me.. It was like an everlasting kiss. Unfortunately for my thoughts he pulled away. We gazed at each other for a moment and the I was the one to break away my gaze from him. I started blushing like hard. I could tell he was a little awkward with the situation too.

"Uh...I'll just go and call for the pizza. Which flavour do you like?"



I made the call and when I went back to the lounge, he lying on my sofa watching TV. He looked up as I came.

"The pizza will be here in half an hour."


I moved towards the sofa and put my hands on my hips.

"If you actually wanted me to check you out, you only had to ask." he said smirking.

My mouth formed an 'o' shape. What the fuck?!

"I don't want people like you to check me out and FYI, you would be the last person on Earth that I would  like to be checked out by." I hissed.

He just played that annoying smirk that he usually does. It made me wanna slap him.

"Alright, are you gonna move your lazy ass off of half of the sofa or what?"

"Nah, I don't deel like moving"

"Dylan! "


"Fine, I'll just sit on you."

And with that, I sat on his laps.

"Your nickname really suits you."

"And why is that?"

"Because your weight is like a feather." saying like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I blushed real hard. This was a very starnge and awkward comment.

"Please move Austin." I said sighing.


And with that he moved his ass from half of the portion of the sofa so I could sit. We watched TV for half an hour and then the pizza came. After that I was very sleepy. I could barely keep my eyes open so I told Dylan that I was going to sleep and he also came. I changed and so did he and then we climbed in bed.

"Goodnight Austin."

"Goodnight kitten." 

"Would you stop with the nicknames?"

"Only if you would stop cuddling closer to me."

I blushed quickly making my distance from him. I just had a sixth sense which told me he was smirking. Damn you Dylan! I wanted to hate you but day by day it was getting harder.

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