Chapter5...Am I jealous?

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OKay i know you guys must be thinking that its kinda lame that my chapters are of one page but after this chapter im gonna writelong ones. After all it is my first story.



Hell I know it's morning, and I can wake myself up easily but mom here has to come in my room, jump on my bed and shake me like anything. She doesn't even seem like a "mom" to me, she acts like my sister.  Everytime she does this, I give her a long lecture which in a short summary says "Mom please stop acting like this." I know it's not decent but I can't bare to see mom like this.

*Half an hour later*

"Bye mom and dad! Come on Dylan!" I shouted.

"Coming!" he shouted in a so-sexy voice. Wait, what? Did I just say that?! Not good.

"Be quick." I murmured.

"Sorry I got late. I was talking to Bryan." he apologized.

"Oh don't worry about that Dylan. It's really good to know that I'll be late to class." I said, sarcastically

"Uh...thanks?" he said, not really knowing anything else to say. Speechless jerk!

I just rolled my eyes and went out looking back again and again to make sure he was still there, not doing something stupid. He, for once, was following, thankfully.

We got in the car and soon we reached school. Of course Casey was on the school gates waiting for me. I made my way towards her.

"Hey Casey." I said in a "casual" voice.

"Hey Lexi!" she chirped in a way too "squesky" voice. Of course she would. She is "that" type of girl.

"So whats up?"

"Nothin', what about you? I'm pretty sure you're having some fun with someone." she said winking.

I glared at her, giving her the don't-even-think-about-it look. How could she possibly think of stuff like that?! Didn't she know that I was still a virgin and I wouldn't lose my virginity in this age, specially not with Dylan.


"Awww come on! You two could be so good together. You could have sex, sleep together every night, make out, live in the same house-

"Drop it Casey." I warned making sure that these things never happened.........except for the making out part, maybe?

"Alright alright." 

"Good." I said smiling to her and myself. Her, because she had stop talking about me and Austin making out and having sex and stuff. And myself, because I was happy I had talked her into dropping that subject.

"Oh btw, Mrs.Linnie is going to pair up everyone for the science project."

"Nice, who do you want to be paired up with?"

"Uh I don't know."she said hesitantly. At once I knew she was hiding something. Anyways, it was pretty clear that she was lying because she was blushing.

"You can't lie. Well, not to me at least."

"What? I'm not lying Lexi."

I raised my eyebrows as if to say "oh really?"

"OKay, just don't tell anyone."

"Sure, I won't." I promised.

"It's Bryan."

OMG?! The fuck?! Is she just playing around with me or is this real? I don't know but one thing I know is for sure and that is that Bryan is Dylan's best friend. And if I put it together then my best friend is falling in love with Dylan's best friend.

"I know you would've thought that I would've acted like a maniac shouting at you but you may be wrong. Because I'm really fine with it. You should do what you think is good for you. I won't stop you. Not this time Casey."

"Thanks Lexi."

"No problem."

"So who do you want to be paired up with."

"Depends on the subject we are going to get."

"Tryna get the brains?"


"You haven't changed a bit have you?"

"If you put it like that then no."

"Knew it."

We headed to our class room and took our seats. Me and Casey sat together, of course. Everyone started chatting but when Mrs.Linnie came in everyone stood up and greeted her. She was not a strict teacher. She was polite, pretty and intelligent. She started making pairs.

".......Chelsea and Joey, Casey and Bryan and Alexis and Dylan, that's it."

Really Mrs.Linnie. Damn you! You just had to pair me up with that Jackass. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Dylan smirking. I looked at him fully and this time instead od blushing, I was possessed with some courage that made me rool my eyes at him. He looked impressed.

So what? I must look like Pink when she is singing So What?

When the bell rang, Mrs.Linnie dismissed the class and went out. The minute she was gone, all the girls around crowded around Austin. The kinda stuff they were saying was impossible.

"You know I could always tell Mrs.Linnie to make me your partner" or "You are so gorgeous, if you were my partner I would treat you like a king" and stuff like that. But I was shocked to learn Dylan attitude towards these pathetic girls. He was straight forward with every girl.

"No thanks, I have better stuff to do" or "No, I am fine with my partner."

And then the girls would look at him and say"Alright Dylan, whatever you say" in a so-girly voice.

I watched him in the crowd and surprisingly he looked back at me, but of course, smirking.I looked at him fustrated by all the attention he was getting. Also I would love too kick all the girls' oh-so-not-sexy-asses right in front of his face. Maybe then they would stop following him like a dog.

Wait... they are bitches right? Yeah! I had almost forgotten. But deep down, deep deep down I couldnt help but feel depressed and sad and angry and fustrated. I dont know how to explain it but I have one question.

Am I jealous?

Maybe I would find this answer some day but for now I couldn't say anything. I really wasn't sure if I was jealous. 

Please don't tell me you're falling for that dumbass jerk -_-

Right, I had almost forgotten that my mind talked to me too. Fuck you! 

I went home alone because Dylan said that he would would come later, Bryan would give him a ride. I had agreed, thanking him inside my heart because I really wanted some time alone. 

I got inside my room and ripped my clothes and threw them on the bed. Then I changed into black, full sleeved, striped shirt with black jeans and straightened my hair. I loved doing that. Then I jumped on my bed and opened my laptop. It was only half an hour that had passed since I was doing laptop and already I felt Tired and felt my eyelids drooping. I decided I could take a nap and wake up in half an hour, before Dylan arrived.

*1 hour later*

I was awakened by the tapping of laptop keys. I found myself beside a sitting Dylan who was working on his laptop. I really have to get used tot his.


Hope you guys liked this chapter because I wanted to make it a bit interesting. Anyways just:



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