Chapter 9...The New Girl

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well lets say that I put Shantel VanSanten in the book beacause I realy loved her in one tree hill. Like isn't she so freaking beautiful?! yuP

I'm updating quicker than before cuz I know that because of my exams there was a lot spacing out so I'm mending that. Hope you guys like the chapter! ENJOY!


Bang! I bumped into someone sending their books and mine scattered all over the floor, WAIT-! This wan;t some was a girl. Fragile and elegeant. Wow, guess there is finally someone nice for me.

" I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking and, I'm so so sorry, I don't know what got- "

" It's fine, chill. " and thats when I looked up. She was so freaking beautiful. She had slightly auburn hair of a beautiful brown colour. Infact, her hair was naturally curles which made it look so pretty. She had smooth and fair skin and a pretty nice figure. Her eyes were the mixture of light blue and light green. Wearing a silver effected shirt and round elegant but simple earrings gave her a maleficient look. OOps..I meant magneficient look. Someone might be a little to interested in this movie. ha ha.

" Hi, I'm Alexis. Alexis Hook, but you can call me Lexi. " I sent her a geniune smile.

" Uh..I'm Quinn. Quinn james. It's really nice to meet you. " Her smile was really breath-taking.

" Nice to met you too. So, do you have your time table with you? "

" Yeah, I have an english class with Mrs. Linnie. "

" Thats great. I have the same class so I'll walk you there. "

" Thanks alot. "

I really liked Quinn and although it had just been a few hours since we met, I had a feeling that we were going to bong with each other very well. Aside from her looks, she seemes a nice girl in studies too.

Aas I enters the class room, all the gazes were upon me and Quinn. This is the part where I want to beat the shit out of all the people who have their gazes upon me. I mean what kind of shitty non-sense is this?! You don't stare at anyone. Bad habits. Wow mom, thanks, you really knocked some wisdom into me. 

" it's good to know that you had the honour to join the class Miss Hook. " shooting a glare towards me.

" It's not her fault ,Mrs. Linnie because I'm new here so she was just helping me on my way. I'm quinn. Quinn james. "

" Very well, but this scene should not occur again. Am I clear Miss Carter? "

" Yes. " I said through gritted teeth but hoped that she found my reply meek because I did not want to be scolded yet again.

I had already seen some boys staring in awe at Quinn. True, beacause if I was a boy, I would certainly drool over her. Yet, the girls on the girls on the other hand had sent death glares in her direction because Quinn had stolin_ not purposely _ every boys attention which they had been getting. I had no problem. As Cas could not come to school due to flu, I invited Quinn to sit down next to me. She shot me a grateful smile and mouthed ' I owe you one ' 

English classes are really boring. They should be called shit classes instead of english classes. I'm a hundres percent sure that one day aliens will come to our planet and make the following announcement :

' English classes were never meant to be attented! '

I'm glad we didn't get any english homework today. Thankfully, we only got science homework, which I really loved. Yeah, it's trye. And it becomes all the more special when cuddles comes and sits beside pawing practically every cat picture in my biology book. 

" I'm home mom! "

" How was your day sweetie? "

" Great, I met this new girl which you will really like! "

" And why is that? " she said suspiciously, narrowing her eyes at me. 

" Because she is so pretty. You perfectly know what I mean mom. I know you are all interested in fashion and whatsoever. " I said rolling my eyes.

She huffed at me and then told me to have lunch. She said something about going to the mall with her friend before going to her room. Typical mom.

I opened my bedroom door. The scene in front of me was so hilarious that bursted into laughter. There was Dylan lying on the bed with cuddles on his lap. And they were playing. TOGETHER!

" You're playing with my cat?! " 

" Uh yeah I was bored so I knida just thought that uh well..... "

" You're way too Hilarious Dylan! "

" Whatever. " he was grumbling like a five year old. I rolled my eyes.

" So now school? Why didn't you come? " I said flopping on my bed with a thump. Yup. Some graet lady manners I had. Well, what can I say? God sent me like this.

" Nah, Didn't feel like it. "

I shot him ' Are you kidding' bcause I mean we don't go to school by choice.

" Sure, you would't like to go to school if there happened to be movie day would you? "

" Psshhtt! Of course I would! " he said sitting up straight.

" Exactly what I meant, I'm gonna have a shower."

He just nodded, with his gaze fixed on his PSP. Wierd, dumd, stupid, cocky, aggressive, hot, sexy, hilarious and possesive. Yup. He was their mixture. I just hope we get along wihtout any more mishaps. 

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