Quest!Bendy x Reader

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Being a doctor when the ink illness spread was like torture, so many people came asking for your help and you couldn't do anything to help them. The most you could do was give them pain medication and that's it, it did help them though and for that they were great full. You just wish you could do more! Even your little brother has the ink illness and it hurts you to watch him suffer. Although you've have gotten a few people with the ink illness to volunteer for testing, your brother was one of the volunteers, to try and create a more effective medicine because even the pain medication hardly works at times.

Anyway, you and your little brother were heading home after a late shift at your work, being the guardian of a six year old is hard at times but he behaves. The stars were shining and the neighborhood was nice so you didn't mind when your little brother suggested walking home, it would seem you two weren't the only ones out this late. Up ahead you spotted two figures, a shorts one that seemed to have horns and a tall one with dog or wolf ears, you couldn't tell for sure since it was dark and they were far away from you guys.

But you did panic when you saw the short one with horns fall to the ground, as a doctor your first instinct was to run over and you did, clutching your brother's hand tightly. Falling to the boy's side, you could see what they were more clearly but that didn't matter to you anymore, you watched as ink dripped down his face. He was clinging on to the wolf and was coughing and sobbing in pain. You acted as fast as you could and pulled out a small first aid kit from your doctors coat, injected the pain medication and watched closely as the ink dripped less and his sobs died down.

Your little brother stood behind you the whole time,"Will he be okay big sis?"

Standing up and dusting off you coat and pants, you picked up your brother,"Yeah he'll be okay, so long as he fights it."

" he like me, big sis?"

You smiled sadly as you could see from the corner of your eye that the two boys were watching,"Yeah, just like you."

You turned to the boys, "Hello I am Dr.(L/N), (Y/N) (L/N) and this is (B/N) (L/N)."

"Oh! I'm Boris and this is my big brother Bendy, Thank you so much for helping us! I-I don't know how to repay you."

You shook your head, "No need to, just doing my job."

"No," it was Bendy that spoke up,"you could of just walked away, so Thank you, really."

"Are you guys travelers?"

"Yes, we are Dr.(L/N). Oh and do you know of any hotels around here?"

"Can't say that I do, Sorry Boris."

Boris had picked up his brother, Bendy still looked a little weak and tired. Even your little brother could tell,"Big sis, can they stay over our house?"

You looked at your brother just to see he was pulling a puppy dog face, there was no need for it though,"That's a great idea (B/N)! Bendy, Boris, would you two like to spend the night and get some rest, we have a spare room you could use."

The young wolf looked like he was gonna cry from so much happiness,"T-Thank you! Thank you s-so much! You are too kind!"

Leading them to your home, you all filled the silence with chatter, getting to know each other. Along the way Bendy started walking again and Boris was playing around with (B/N) while you too talked about anything and everything.

"So, what made you want to be a doctor?"

You shrugged, "I like to help people, being a doctor is one of the many ways to do that. I wish I could do more though, cause sometimes it's never enough." You all had reached your house by now and you unlocked the door to let your brother and Boris in, but before you could walk inside Bendy grabbed your arm and turned you to face him,"You're doing the best you can in a bad situation, and that's more then anyone could ask for."

You teared up and hugged him, making him blush unknown to you. "Thank you."

He hugged you back tightly and rubbed your back,"No need."

You pulled away from the hug, even if you didn't want to,"We should head inside, it's getting late."

Bendy had his hands behind his head,"Do you mind if I stay out here for  a minute?"

You smiled at him, "Not at all, take your time. I'll go show Boris your guys' room and put my brother to bed. Goodnight Bendy."

"Goodnight Dr.(L/N)!"

Before you closed the door you said, "Please, call me (Y/N) and do get some rest."

He chuckled,"Whatever you say doc!"

You closed the door, leaving it open for him and when he knew you were gone he sighed,
"I think I'm in love."

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