Quest!Oswald x Reader

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You were following the directions on a little hand-made flier, someone wanted a homeschooling teacher, one that could handle a large about of kids and is alright with traveling a lot.

It was a strange request, and payed very little for such a job. But you didn't mind, you came from a wealthy family and they didn't like that you became a teacher but they still supported you and gave you lots of money, not that you used much of it. So you didn't mind the pay, you just wanted to travel while teaching kids.

The flier said that today was the last day to pack up, so you had all you needed and a little extra. You hoped no one else got the job yet, seeing as you already bought 260 pieces of school supplies that match the age rage of the kids. It was all stored it a magical bag of sorts, kind of like that famous author but you certain it was a different color, yours was (f/c). So long as you put something in there at one point you could always bring it back out when you want it.

Spotting a couple of kids ahead, you figured out that these were a few of the kids you would be teaching, given that there was so many of them.

"Excuse me, sweethearts!," You showed them the flyer in your hand," would you happen to know where this place is?"

They looked at the paper and brightened up, "Yeah! Are you gonna be our Teacher?"

You smiled at their cuteness, and shrugged,"Hopefully!"
They cheered, some bounced around you while two of them grabbed your hands,"This way! This way!"
You happily followed with no complaints.

He saw you before you spotted him, his kids were so happy pulling you along and he couldn't help but think that you were brighter then the blinding sun. Shaking out of his thoughts to see you standing before him, he held out his hand.

Grabbing his hand you introduced yourself, "Hi! My name's (Y/N) (L/N) and I wanted to hopefully full in the teacher position you wanted."

With his hand shaking slightly he let go of yours and motioned you to follow him, his head was spinning. To him you voice was mesmerizing, maybe you could heal his broken heart?

He lead you to his brother but only stayed long enough to hear you got the job, laying on his bed he had a hand clenched tightly on his shirt over his heart. He face heated up a light blush, to him you were so cute playing with his children with shining smiles all around.

Oswald fell asleep dreaming of you, holding you, dancing with you, with a smile on his face he was finally peaceful.

Sorry it's a bit sort

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