Ink!Sammy x Reader

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Set me Free (Request)

~Your P.O.V.~

"Ugh, my head..." If I hand known Henry needed THIS kind of help I would have been more prepared. Sitting up, I dusted off my clothes and looked around the room.

"Great! I passed out on a pentagram! Aannndd there are coffins! This place IS the definition of hell."

I'm also pretty sure my phone was in my bag, the bag I left up stairs, I check my pockets to find... that I was right, no phone. I found broken boards on the floor,"Must be Henry, if someone crazy were here they wouldn't TRY to destroy the place they live in... But I could be wrong..."

I back track to were I fell and take a longer look around the place but it didn't seem like there was any other open door to try,"Or it could be the only option I have."

No matter how must I didn't want to Henry asked for my help, it would be the least I could do for him. He was always like a father to me and he even considered me his kid, I can't let him down.

Finding more pentagrams was not fun but I feel like I'll get used to it some how, seeing a tape recorder I hit play out of curiosity. It was a man speaking, I don't know what he was saying because was more focused on his smooth voice then any else. The only thing that snapped me out of it was when I heard the word "Amen" come out of my mouth, and the feeling of eyes watching me from afar that sent chills up my spine.

"Henry? Where are you?" Suddenly, the feeling of eyes burned me, who ever is watching me is 100% Not Henry. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I continued to search this place.

Nothing really interested me until I found a room that had a stage with chairs and instruments laying around,"Huh, neat." I plucked some strings, only to feel a strange presence watching me again.

Looking up, I covered my mouth in shock to see some sort of man through a window upstairs. His skin was dripping with ink and he had on white overalls, the weirdest thing was that he had this Bendy mask over his face.

I was afraid to look away,"Who a-are you!?" He tilted his head to the side.

I almost fell to the floor because I could somehow hear him chuckle, it was the smooth voice from the recording! I felt weak at the sound, with me being distracted I didn't see him leave my sight until he was already gone.

I was was afraid again, but I also felt lonely, why did he leave me? He's the only thing close to a person I have seen in this twisted place, even if he isn't normal.

"W-Where did he go?"

Shaking I walk around the room a bit more to calm down but I freeze when I hear the creaking of the wooden boards and footsteps.

My face heats up when black inky arms go around my waist and the smooth voice whispers in my ear,"Hello, little sheep. Will you set me free?"

My legs gave out but he picked me up and held me in his arms, the last thing I heard before sleep took over my body was his voice again,"My name is Sammy, dear. And you will be staying with me forever."

X(  I hope this is what you wanted, I tried to keep him in character!

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