Chapter 2

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Francesca turned back sharply, it was 3am and she had just arrived home after stealing the rich man's money. She was exhausted and could not wait to get back to her bed


She was more than surprised when she saw her little 5 year old sister, Rosie, staring at her with her big green eyes, identical to her own.

"What are you doing staying up in the middle of the night? You're supposed to be asleep because you have school tomorrow! Were you watching Bobo The Robot again?

Oh, Rosie. I told you, you could watch it but you shouldn't watch it in the middle of the night!" Francesca scolded her, annoyed.

Rosie's bottom lip quivered, her eyes became even wider and glassy with unshed tears


"I m-miss you Cesca and I was afraid of the monsters under my b-bed. I went to your room but you weren't there so I waited for you. I wanted to s-sleep and I did but I had a nightmare about b-bad people taking you." the little girl stuttered.

She always adored her older sister even though she always came back late at night and she hated to make her disappointed. After all she was the only thing she had

Francesca's face softened. Her brick walls crumbling a little.

She might be a cunning thief and never let anyone close to her ice cold heart after what happened with her parents. But when she ran away from home, she brought her little sister along, promising to herself to keep her safe and sound.

Rosie would always a special place in her heart.

She never wanted her to be like Francesca when she grew up, always having to steal and seduce just to get food and money to pay the bills.

"Hey baby, don't cry ok? I'm sorry for coming back home late and making you worried. I just had some... stuff to do. C'mon let's go to bed together. I'll race you there" She said playfully


Rosie's face brightened up considerably she ran to her sister's bedroom which made Angelina laugh and her heart smile.

Her smile disappeared when she was laying on her bed with her sister though. All the worries rushed back to her head at once.

The police didn't know what she looked like yet as the men she seduced we're drunk and their memories fuzzy but they called her the "Seductive Theif"

She knew that so far she was lucky as for the past two years of her "sneaky stealing", noby has once ever caught her but she didn't know how long her luck would last.

Her apartment was like a shoebox, with two rooms, her little sister's room connecting to the living room and a small kitchen. Even though, her apartment wasn't fancy, she still sometimes had trouble paying the bills.

She probably couldn't have paid for her sister's and her's school bill if it wasn't for her full scholarship for all her subjects at Cambridge Univirsity. As much of a s/ut she was, she was still a A+ student and wouldn't accept anything else.

Her life didn't used to be like that though, she used to have the best of everything.

Time changed everything though and she would kill herself before ever going back to her old life.

She sighed and cuddled closer to her sister who was fast asleep and snoring adorably, she was most like likely tired of staying awake for so long. Francesca smiled again, closing her eyes, trying to get sleep, to forget the chaos that was her life.

Instead the nightmares of her past haunted her again.

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