Chapter 4

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That was all I could feel right now. It was no secret that when I left my hometown, I had to break up with him. It was not like I had a choice! Well, maybe I do, but long distance relationship never worked.

Besides, he was popular, hot and rich, any girl would give their right arm to dare him. Apart from the fact that he always said that he would only love me and no other...

Ok, wait Francesca. Relax. He was probably lying and he doesn't recognize you because you're wearing a hoodie except during gym class which I am forced to take it off and wear way too damn short shorts. That was when jealous whispers and glaring would start... Luckily the guys were separated from the girls during gym.

After mentally calming herself down, she paid attention to the teacher in front droning about whatever. She would not get distracted and let her grades slip just because of some guy. No matter how hot, sweet and charming he is...

Suddenly she froze, her body felt as stiff as a board. Why? Well because the guy that she could not stop daydreaming about, that just so happen to be the guy behind her leaned over so close to her that she his hot breath on his neck.

Ok, just for that moment she might have died and went to cloud 9.

"Can I borrow your pen? I forgot to bring mine."

With those words her brain went back to earth. Without saying a word, she gave a small nod and gave him her pen. Francesca just didn't know why but she felt disappointed when he didn't lean over her again and sat down.

I wasn't sure of what exactly but Ihad a pretty good idea. For one second I remembered my past and actually missed the way he held her, kissed her and always respected her when she didn't want to go further. I almost wished i could go back to it.

But that was just one thing she couldn't do. Run back to her past where all the memories and scars wre still too raw. There were just too many cons than pros.

When class was halfway done, Antonio gave me back my pen and gave a me a heart melting smile which made me furious because it just made my 'friend' below weep. So I rudely snatched my pen and quickly turned back to the front, leaving him confused of my cold demeanor.


After her class ended, I went to my Spanish class to find Antonio there and again in her History, Science and so on! The only time when she wasn't with him, was Gym.

Unfortunately, even that class was cancelled because the principal wanted to talk to to the school about PDA. One girl was caught with her boyfriend doing some 'things' in the janitor closet and when the principal opened it because he heard 'strange' noises coming from it, well he was quite shocked to say the least.

I guessed the worst thing about that was, the girl and guy were both freshmans.

The principal wasn't really bad, he was easygoing and had a humor sometimes. He's sometimes sensitive about things like that as once an old high school that was once near us had STD and some people died so it was shut down.

One of the reason also because there was a rumour that the principal of that school was the first one to transmit the disease.

Luckily the assembly talk was the last thing we had and after that we could go back home. I have had enough of so man girls saying how hot Antonio is and how they wanted a 'piece' of him.

The first thing I saw when I walked into the class, however was Antonio surrounded by a big group of girls, all shamelessly flirting with him.

This day was going to get even longer than before.

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