Chapter 5

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I went back home tired, angry and feeling a sudden desire to punch someone. Preferably, Anotonio freaking Smith.

Fine, I still had some feelings for him, he was after all my first love. It was extremely annoying and irritating for me to listen to all those airheads giggle and laugh every single second. What was even worse though was, he actually looked like he was enjoying himself.

Which made want to go all Chuck Norris on those girls plastic surgery butts.

What I did not get was why he moved here, out of all the places in the world, why this boring old town?

Anotonio still hasn't recognized me but I could tell he was looking for someone as he kept looking around. I had cut all ties with me and my old life though so he could not possible have known I was here right?

I flopped on my bed like a whale, ready for some sleep. Only to be disturbed by the doorbell ringing.

I ignored it and snuggled into my pillow. Too bad, whoever was at the doorbell couldn't get the hint that I was clearly in no mood to talk or even see another human being.

"Argh!" I reluctantly got out of my bed which was probably crying because it missed me too much, took a big hat to cover my face in case it wasn't Rose and opened the door.

I really should've looked at who was at the door first because when I opened my door, I could see Antonio with a concerned face and Rose with dried tear stains on her cheek.

"Hello, I found this little girl crying at the sidewalk because she fell and scraped her knee. She told me to bring her back home and wait, aren't you the girl from school?"

At first I was too stunned to speak so I just nodded my head. Than I snapped out of my daze and realized that my baby sister was hurt.

"Yup and thank you so much for bringing her home, Ton- I mean Antonio." I said and grimaced slightly when I realized I had almost called him Tony which was my old nickname for him.

"No problem. Hey by the way, are you coming to my party tonight?"

"What party?"

"My 'Hey, I just came to town and I know how to have fun' party," He replied smirking.

"Usually I don't invite people like you because well.. you know you probably like don't like parties and would rather stay at home studying but you lended me your pen today and the whole school is invited anyway", He said making it sound like he was doing me a favour.

Before I could refuse, he was already gone and all I could see was his back. Leaving me frozen with shock at what had happened and with a little girl that looked calm for someone that scraped her knee.

"I like him".

I looked down to see that Rosie was the one who said that and now had a suspicious look on her face.

Now I really wanted to strangle Antonio freaking Smith.

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