Chapter 6

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Getting drunk and have no way to get back home,

Getting drunk and getting taking advantage of,

Spilling out all my secrets to Antonio.

That was about a million more things that could go wrong at the party. Yet, the possibility of actually going there excited me, I felt rebellious because I always tried hard to make sure nobody knew about me that it felt nice to let loose and even be as free as a bird.

Though instead of rebelling against my parents like my fellow classmates who went on 'strike' whenever their parents said no, I was rebelling against myself. Which was pretty lame.

I could wear a mask right? Even if people will look at me as if I was an psychotic ax murderer, I would probably have been having so much fun to care right?

Ok, that was a lie, I do care what people think of me which was a very bad habit of mine, I could just ignore the stares and pretend I did not give an F, like I usually do. Even if I did went to the party though, what would I do to have 'fun'?

Get drunk and do body shots?

My goodies and I are fine, thank you very much.

I was thinking nonsense but I was so bored. I was watching Barney, my secret obsession and eating so much candy, any dentist would faint if they saw me. It was fine watching Barney but I watch all the episodes for about a million times, I practically memorized all the words.

Unfortunately, even Rosie was busy, well sleeping. Claiming that she felt tired after falling down and scraping her knee after I had tended to her and badaged her knee. It was only 8 and her bed time was only about 8 but before I could even say, ok, she had already dashed to her bedroom, well limped. For someone who had scraped her knee and was limping, she could run quite fast.

She was lucky I did not interrogate her. I had a sneaky suspicion, she was reading her comics with a torchlight, though.

I sighed, cleaned off the popcorn from my clothes, got up to my bedroom to get changed.

For what? To go to to Antonio's freaking party.


Sweaty bodies were practically humping each other with heir clothes on, while some girls who were wearing almost nothing was cornering a poor hot guy who looked quite scared.

That was just outside of the house.

Yes, I was at Antonio's house, feeling like a fish dying because it was out of the water. I was wearing jeans, a t-shirt and a mask. A weird combination that gave me a few stares. The mask though was something, I found while searching for an outfit in my closet. It was a white plain mask that covers my whole face except my eyes and nose.

It was a mask from when I was 5 and wanted to scare all the other little kids. Yeah, I was a badass even when I was 5 but there's another story for another time.

So after I got changed, I went to Rosie's bedroom to tell her I was going out for a short while and found out that she fell asleep reading her comics. She was drooling so cutely that I took a picture of her before I left.

I have never been to Antonio's house before but he texted me his address. How he got my phone number, I knew it could only be Rosie. She could be an angel at times but she could make the strongest man in the world cry.

I nervously bit my lip and wondered if this was a good idea after all but before I could back out, the door opened, hitting my two goodies and making me cry out,


I winced in pain and looked up to see a guy staring at me with concern in his eyes.

"Are you ok?"

To which I replied with a punch to his face.

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