chapter eleven - leaving France

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Erik’s POV

“you hate me…” that was the only thing I heard, how could she even think such a thing…? I loved her more than live itself, and that’s why she had to leave; she’s not save here and I can’t follow her… it had already taken all my power just to leave the opera house and even then I had stayed I the shadows in fear to be seen, this was the only place I could be on without Paris citizens screaming at me and chasing me down. But Elizabeth had to leave for her own sake, a murderer is after her and he knows where she is, I had the memories from yesterday to remind me of that, but according to madam Giry she isn’t aware of the fact that she could get killed any moment, no I can’t lose her too…

“You have to go… just… don’t ask me why… just leave the country…” I said and looked at the ground, I couldn’t bear to look at her face, I knew she was crying but I had to get her to leave “not without you.” She said, I looked up, is she seriously doing this…? I knew that she was stubborn and never gives up in an argument if the other person not finds evidence that he is right, but really… I’m trying to be a hero and save her live but no, I have to follow. Doesn’t she realize that that is impossible, just because she isn’t scared of my face doesn’t mean others won’t be… no, humanity is a bitch, and if something is just a little different they avoid it… and I to my big anger and shame do not fit into this world. She walked a step closer me and gently stroked my deformed cheek with her warm and smooth hand “please… if you don’t want to you don’t have to tell me why, but please come with me…” she said and looked me in the eyes, and I looked back into those beautiful, green eyes…

And well, when I said she was stubborn I didn’t lie, she never lost an argument, not even to me… and so I found myself wearing a long black robe and a big hat that hid my unmasked face and I was sneaking down the moonlit streets of Paris in order to get to the train station, I can’t believe I’m actually doing this, the infamous phantom of the opera! But when she looked me in the eyes I felt a warm feeling inside of me that made me forget about everything else, and so, I said yes which I now regret… but I must confess that even if I felt out of place and just wanted to turn around and go back, I found this a little interesting too, all the buildings, all the people and no one even paid attention to me. And so we walked together till we reached the train station, I sat down on the nearest bench while she went and bought two tickets for the next train, we hadn’t decided on where to go, we would just take the next train that leaves. I looked around, the place was grey and dirty, and everywhere around there people running in order to catch their train, and against a wall sat an old lady and a young girl and begged for money, I watched how the girl stood up and sneaked behind a man that walked past her, she bent forward and took something and then she happily walked back and showed the old lady her catch, a wallet full of money, I looked away and saw Elizabeth returning with a big smile on her lips, she stooped I front of me with her hands behind her back “guess what” she said and smiled, I sighed “what?” I said, she glared at me “you have to guess, or it isn’t fun. Now guess” she said “Elizabeth, I’m tired and I don’t want to play this game, so just tell me.” I said slowly losing my temper, she sighed “well, you know how I told you that before I came to France I lived in Italy?” I nodded “well, guess who just got us two tickets to the next train to Venice!!” she said happily and showed me the train tickets. ”Venice? That town where there is water on the streets?? I don’t know if I want to go there…”  I said, the truth is, I don’t like water, honestly nobody ever taught me how to swim so I’m not that good at it, but I couldn’t tell that to her… “Come on! It will be fun! My cousin lives there and I’m sure that she would give us shelter. And the town is just so beautiful! I’m sure you’ll love it there!” I said and took my hands, I sighed and stood up, how bad can it be? As long as I just try not to fall into the water, and I read about Venice and it is beautiful… “Okay then… wen does the train leave?” I asked, she looked down on the tickets “in five minutes so we better hurry or we’ll miss it…“ she answered and took her small bag and the violin case, we had only taken a few things with us so that we would not have to carry too much, she had chosen to take a few books to read on the train, some clothes and of course the violin I gave her, I had taken a book with sheet music, my own old violin, a notebook I had all my ideas in, extra clothes andsketchbook and some pencils, and also my mask (but Elizabeth did not know that) but I wish I could have taken more. We made our way to the train to Venice, the train was already there and a man I could only guess was the conductor stood there and checked the tickets, Elizabeth walked towards him and handed him our tickets, he took them and inspected them “two tickets to Venice, for monsieur and madam, Erik and Elizabeth Shadley, is that correct? He said and looked down on Elizabeth, I looked up in shook, Erik and Elizabeth Shadley?!!! I can’t remember to have gotten married to her?! I glared at her and she gave me an excusing look “ehm… yes that is right.” She said to the man still not looking away from me, the man gave her back the tickets and stepped aside so that we could enter “hope you enjoy your ride, your compartment is the first on the left” he said “merci, monsieur!” Elizabeth said and walked past him into the train, but as I walked past him he stopped me and glared “why do you hide your face, monsieur?” he said, I glared up at him without saying a word, Elizabeth turned around in shook and watched us glare at each other “oh, he’s… he’s… ill… yes, he got an allergic reaction and his face is all swollen, and he doesn’t want to show that…” she said in hope to the man to just let me go in, and to my big surprise it actually worked, and soon we walked into the small compartment, I sat down and glared at her finally being able to ask the question that I’ve wanted to ask the whole time “sooo… madam and monsieur Shadley?” I asked, she sighed and looked up at me “I know, and I’m very sorry but the guy kept asking questions… and I didn’t know your last name, and he asked what our relation was… and… I’m sorry, I got panicked and I just said it without thinking… I’m sorry…” she said and looked down on the ground in shame, I took her face and lifted it up forcing her to look at me “no sad faces on our wedding day, madam Shadley” I said and we both started to giggle hysterically for a long time till we got interrupted by a loud whistle and the train starting to move, and it was first now when I actually realized what was happening, I’m leaving my opera, my home possibly for ever to go to a place I only read about!! I’m leaving my works and most of my stuff in order to save a girl,  I didn’t even know that good…! You maybe Don’t know her but love her… a voice in my head said, I tried to ignore the voice and looked at Elizabeth, I could see in her eyes that she thought this was a crazy idea and wanted to just go back, but it was too late for that now, we were leaving France… 

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