chapter eighteen - Verena's secret

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Verena’s POV

I sat down in the large sofa next to my daughters, I’m so glad to have them here by me; I couldn’t imagine how my life would be without them… probably really boring… my children meant everything to me, Rosie, Tanya and David where my life… my everything, but I must say that sometimes it’s hard being a single parent… I always had to take over both roles and it can be a little stressful… and now with that carnival… the girls know who the person throwing the party is, even if he never really spent time with them… and I know that the girls need him in their live but… I just can’t handle letting him come close to them… what if he’d hurt them just like he did with me… I could never forgive myself… and things just got more and more complicated as Rosie this morning asked me if she could go with Elizabeth so that she could meet him… I said yes even if my heart broke that second, I could never ever, EVER; forgive him for what he did to not only me but also to my children…

Tanya cuddled into me and I gave her a kiss on the forehead, my little angel; I think it’s good that Erik is here, because even if I try I will never understand how it is to be different… even if the other people in this town never say anything I see how they look at Tanya, it was the exact same way they looked at Erik; judging but too scared to say what they really think… I cuddled into my adopted daughter as a loud shriek was heard, seems like David has awoken from his nap… I got up from the sofa with a sigh and walked up the stairs to my crying son’s room, where to my big surprise I found my brother…

      “Sam? What are you doing?!” I screamed at him, he was holding my son in his arms and shacked him violently, I ran over and snatched my little David from him and glared at Sam “that…thing… won’t stop crying and I’m working” he explained as if it was nothing, I was completely shocked; that thing happens to be my son!! “He is a child for god’s sake! And kids cry, it’s normal!!” I swear, if I ever see him doing that to my children I’ll kill him!! NEVER EVER, MESS WITH AN ANGRY MOTHER!!! I held David tight, protecting him from my brother, my brother just shook his head “oh dear sister, I know what kids are, I happened to have had one myself, ah, little Toby… nice young boy, a shame that he had to die in that… accident…” he said with a fake tone of sorrow in his voice, I knew exactly what ‘accident’ he was talking about…and as much as I just wanted to scream at him I knew the what he was capable off… and it was then I saw that mad smile on his lips and that warning look in his eyes, I looked down in the ground nodded; not a word to anyone…           

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