Chapter 6

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Warp Tour is tomorrow! I have to find a way to escape. I sat at the desk in my room and tried to draw out the perfect plain. Fail after fail I finally figured it out!

I sat at the table eating silently. The only noise that was noticeable was the silverware scratching on the plates.

Dad broke the silence by clearing his voice.

"When are you going to get a job?" He asked.

"When you let me go." I snapped back.

He slammed his hands on the table .

"Do you know who you're talking too? I'm your father! You need to learn respect!"

My anger started to build then with out thinking I let it all out.

"Respect!? What about my respect? You never show anything but hate!"

He stood up and slapped my face. I fell to the ground. He climbed on top of me and began to hit me. I screamed. Then he picked me up and threw me into my room and locked the door.

I ran to my closet and grabbed my purse and my piggy bank. I threw it to the wall and watch it disperse. I rumbled through the broken glass and retrieved $30. It was just enough money to purchase a ticket. I ran to my bed and grabbed my stuffed animal. It was the only stuffed animal I had. It was the one from when I was a baby.

I threw my purse containing everything I needed out the window and I follow. I ran to the bus stop and I was headed out of Ohio and on my way to New York where I would meet my hero.

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