Review 29 ↠ By Next Thursday

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Title: By Next Thursday

Author: @sarahcanyounot

Genre: Mystery/Thriller

Rating: 8.0


Hello Sarah! Your book idea struck me as very familiar, but I couldn’t place it until I reached the third chapter. Then I realized there was a movie I saw a few years back, Teen Spirit, I believe it was called. It had a very similar plot line as the first few chapters of your book. That did put me off a bit, because it was so familiar, but you seemed to diverge from their plot a bit by the sixth or so chapter. 

I like the picture you chose for your cover; it’s very pretty. I’m not really sure about the font you’ve used. I like it for the ‘By Next’ part of the title, but I think that ‘Thursday’ needs to pop out more. Also, I think it would be more beneficial to add your username onto the cover rather than your personal/ actual name. It would allow people to find and identify you much more easily.

Your writing is very modern. I can tell that you purposely chose to use certain punctuation and wording. That may just be your style of writing, but to me it comes across as immature. While I understand where you’re coming from, what with the plot/theme of your writing and all, it seems useless to me. For example, instead of saying “omgomgomg” you could put in “Oh my God! Or: Oh my goodness!”  It would make your writing seem much more mature and makes you come across as a higher level of writer.  Other than that, there are a couple of punctuation errors that I saw, but nothing major.

As for your plot, I like it. It’s interesting and you are pulling it off rather well. I don’t really have much to say for your plot, honestly. The invisible schoolgirl is not captivating, only interesting. I highly recommend that you throw in some serious plot twists to keep your readers reading. Your approach to this story is definitely one with confidence though, and that comes across.

For now I am going to rate your story as an 8.0. Your modern vernacular and level of writing is a bit of a put off for me. The story line is good; it offers a lot of creative room. I think that with more descriptors and a few good plot twists, this book could be even better. Please keep up the great writing along with your confidence! Let me know what you think below. x

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