Chapter 2

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You guys then start going to your classes
Eun Bi:"Why are you guys following me?"
Jungkook:"We go to the same classes"
Eun Bi:"All of the same classes!?"
Jungkook:"Yup" while smiling

When you enter the classroom and sit down, you notice that all of the girls are staring at you
You then ignore them and pay attention to the teacher. When the bell rang for lunch time everyone went to the cafeteria with their friends. While walking down the hallway heading towards the cafeteria, you felt a hand on your shoulder
You paused and turned around slowly because you were scared but then realised that it was Jungkook.

Eun Bi:"You scared me to death!"
Jungkook:"Heh, sorry I didn't mean to. Can I eat lunch with you?"
Eun Bi:"Sure, but don't talk to me"

You got in line for food and sat at a table. Then you saw Jungkook coming your way to sit with you. He stared at you without even touching his food

Eun Bi:"Stop staring at me like that"
Jungkook:"I can't help it. You're too cute"
You blush and you feel like your face turned into a bright tomato
Eun Bi:"No im not shut up"

When it was time to go back to your classes you hear someone calling your name at the other end if the hallway. When you turned around to see who it was calling you, your face turned red after seeing Jungkook running towards you with his hair flowing making him look sexy

Jungkook:"Eun Bi!! Wait for me!"
Eun Bi:"Hurry we're gonna be late for class"

While you were waiting for Jungkook, the bell rang
You and Jungkook paniced and quickly ran into the classroom and lucky that the teacher wasn't there yet.

Jungkook:"That was close"

After school was over you saw Jungkook and the rest of the members outside. You try to adviod them but Jungkook saw you

Jungkook:"Hey Eun Bi wait up"
Eun Bi:"What is it?"
Jungkook:"Would you like to hang out with me and the members!"
Eun Bi:"Well, sure I guess. Yoo Min left me anyway with her boyfriend so there's really nothing much to do"
Jungkook:" Yay!"

You got in the car with Jungkook and the others and went to a karaoke place. When you got there the boys were excited and Jungkook grabbed your wrist running to the entrance.

Eun Bi:"Ow you're hurting me"
Jungkook:"Opps sorry"

Jungkook let's go and the rest of the members come out if the car. You guys then get a room and picked a sing to sing.

Jimin:"Let's order some beer"

When Rap Monster got the beer for everybody Jimin was the first one to get the beer
After 1 hour has passed, they were all drunk accept for you then you see Jungkook trying to getting up. You help him up and he says that he wants to talk to you in pravite then you and Jungkook went outside. You all of a sudden blush and then you see Jungkook coming towards you, and everytime you back up Jungkook comes forward. When you finally can't back up, Jungkook puts his hand on the wall making sure that you can't escape him. He suddenly comes closer and......

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