Part 2: The Truth

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Preston's POV

"Call 911!!!! Rob got shot!!!!" I say

I turn back to Rob seeing Jerome get his cell out.

"How could I have let this happen? It's all my fault. Please stay with me Rob." I cry out.

Mitch walks over to me.

"He'll be ok Preston. The ambulances are on the way. Here, come here. I need to talk to you in private quickly." Mitch says holding out his hand.

I take his hand and we go to the other room.

"Preston, Rob wanted this to happen. He said he would take his own life for your safety. And look, you're safe. He saved you by putting himself in danger. He loves you Preston and if he dies, you know he will be looking down on you from heaven. He never wanted this to happen, but to protect you. He would do anything." Mitch says

I have tears rolling down my face. Mitch leans in and hugs me. I take it in hugging him back making his T-shirt wet from my tears but I don't think he cares.

"Thanks Mitch. I just really hope Rob is ok. I dont want to lose him." I say to Mitch

"Rob told me in private, that if he doesn't make it or is unconscious. He wanted you to have this." Mitch says pulling out a small box from his pocket.

I opened it and it had a ring in it. It was a promise ring. There was also a little note in it.

It read, Hey Preston. Seeming that you have opened this, it either means I am gone or I am badly hurt and unconscious. I just want you to know that I love you with all my heart. You are the only one for me. You are my special someone, my lavamob, my little cactus. I will always love you. If I didn't make it, I will be watching over you. Like your own little angel. I love you Preston. Dont you ever forget that. And one more thing. HotnSpicy. Love Woof.

I was now probably crying a river.

I put on the ring and me and Mitch walked back to the other room where Rob and Jordan are still lying on the ground.

We all hear someone moan.

We turn around and Jordan is sitting up, with the gun still in his hand.

His face is all bloody, he has a black eye, he has scraps all over his arms and chest.

"Jordan?" Jerome says

"Jjjjjj........ Jerome??" Jordan says

"Yeah......." Jerome replies

"I fucking hate you and your friends." Jordan says.

I was pissed off with Jordan.

I walk up to him, I grab his gun from his hand and I hold it to his chest.

"Why did you hurt Rob?" I ask

He looks at me surprised.

"Oh so now you fight back." Jordan says

"I asked you a question and if you want to live, answer the question." I say moving closer to him.

"He hurt me. He broke my heart. He dumped me for you. He was me lover. He was special to me. I thought he loved me, but I was wrong. I swore I would kill him for what he did. And look now, he found a new play toy but he can't do anything now. Can he?" Jordan says

I look over to Rob. And a tear runs down my face.

"A new play toy? I ask confused a bit.

"Awe. I guess you never figured it out. Rob is a player. He had sex with almost every guy in high school. He fucked anyone he wanted. And he got away with it too. Everyone in school loved him. He was the most popular. He was the one everyone wanted to date. And on the last day of school was when I figured everything out. He left me there, on the curb. I stayed there and cried until it was night. He just left me and laughed in my face." Jordan says

I look over to Mitch.

"Is that true Mitch? You would know. You went to school with him." I say

"Yes, it is true that Rob did that. But when he left, he regretted doing it all. He spend the first few weeks after we graduated crying and staying up all night. He even started to cut, but gladly I stopped him from that before it got bad. He was the one everyone wanted. He did have sex with almost everyone. But he has changed. He isn't like that anymore. He loves you and only you Preston." Mitch says.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks again.

"You hurt him Jordan. So I will kill you. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But if you die, it's to nothing but me." I say getting away from Jordan and leaving him on the ground.

I throw the gun against the wall and it breaks.

We hear the sirens of the ambulance coming.

We all kinda sigh in relief.

All we can do now, is pray that Rob makes it.

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