Part 3: In A Coma?

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Preston's POV

Me, Mitch and Jerome are waiting in the waiting room to hear the news about Rob.

"Who here is Preston Arsement?" the nurse asks

"That would be me." I say getting up.

"Well I have some news. Rob is ok but he is in a deep coma. We are doing everything we can to help him but at this moment, we arent allowing visitors and we dont know when or if he will wake up." the nurse says

"Ok, thank you." I say trying to hold back the tears.

The nurse walks away and I walk back to Mitch and Jerome.

"Well guys. Rob is ok. But he is in a deep coma. They dont know when he or if he will wake up. And they are not allowing visitors. Can we please go home?" I say.

"Ok Preston. Rob will be fine. They are doing everything they can. Let us go home Preston." Mitch says

"What about Jordan?" Jerome asks

"I dont really care about Jordan but I heard that after he is out of the hospital, he will get arrested and go to jail. But really, can we please go home." I say

"Alright, lets go." Mitch says

We leave the hospital and drive home.

~at home~

We get home and I just go straight to me and Rob's room. I spend the rest of my night crying. The only other thing I did other than cry, was put on Rob's favorite sweater. Then i just laid in bed letting the tears flow. Eventually I fell asleep because I wake up to sun shining in my eyes.

I roll out of bed, still in Rob's favorite sweater, and pull myself together and go downstairs.

I boil the kettle and make myself some hot chocolate.

Once my hot chocolate is ready, i make it and I go to the living room, sit on the couch, and watch tv.

Second Chances: A Merome/Poofless FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora