Part 5: Dead or Alive? The EnderDragon Fight.

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Rob's POV

The EnderDragon was waiting for me.

The minute I spawned in the end, a few of the EnderMan started atacking me. I had to eat one of my 5 god apples right away for I wouldn't die. The pain was unreal.

It felt like I was being stabbed everywhere with a knife. It hurt so bad. It felt so real but I know it's not.

Preston's POV

I am in Rob's hospital room sitting beside his bed holding his hand. They let me stay over night because they know how much he means to me.

I just chill and pray that Rob will wake up, but he doesn't.

I am just sitting beside his bed, holding his hand and just sitting in silence when I feel a slight movement. It came from Rob.

I let go of his hand and he starts twitching and sweating. I start panicking and I push the emergency button they have in all of the rooms.

Doctors and nurses come rushing in and I am asked out of the room while they try and figure out what happened to Rob.

All I can do is hope that he is ok.

Rob's POV

After the pain disapears, I get my bow ready and I start to take out all of the towers.

Once that is done, it's now time to start fighting the dragon itself.

My heart starts beating at a rate that's not normal. It's now of never.

"For my love!!!!!!" I battle cry and I charge at the dragon.

The last thing I remember, is the dragon falling to the ground, blood everywhere.

{Autour's Note}

Sorry for not updating in a while guys. Things came up. But it's back!!!

New chapter!!!!

Sorry for the cliffhanger but it was needed.

#Poofless #Merome #TrueFrags

Have a nice night.

One more update coming later tonight!!!!

Second Chances: A Merome/Poofless Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن