Part 4: The Quest

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Rob's POV (in his coma)

Where am I? What happened to me? The last thing I remember is shooting Jordan in the stomach.

I can hear everything, but I can't respond to any of it. What?

It is pitch black and I can't see anything. I can't move, I can't speak, I can't do anything.

As long as Preston, Mitch and Jerome are ok. It's worth it all.

"Mr.Woofless!" a voice says

"What? Who's there?" I think, considering I can't talk.

"You aren't dead, yet. You are in a deep coma. The doctors have no idea when you will wake up. They are doing all that they can to keep you well and healthy. If you want to survive and see Preston and your friends again, you must defeat the enderdragon. In your mind, it will feel like you are doing everything but physically, you aren't. When you defeat the enderdragon, you will wake up 1 hour after the enderdragon dies. Good luck Rob. You will need it. Good bye." the voice says fading away.

"Ok. So I have to defeat the enderdragon. This shouldn't be that hard. It's Minecraft. It's worth a shot. I wonder what happens if I die fighting the enderdragon or when I am getting ready for the fight. Well I have to at least try."

~2 mins later. I spawn in a 'special' kind of minecraft world~

Well, let's get started. I spawned in a plains biome with big cave systems and holes all around the place. I spot some trees off in the distance and I head over to go get some wood.

~a few hours later after a lot of gathering and mining~

Ok. I have full diamond armor with protection 4, a diamond sword with sharpness 5 fire aspect 3 and unbreaking 3, a bow with power 4 punch 2 flame 2 and infinity 1. I have 5 god apples, 3 potions of regeneration, 2 potions of swiftness, 7 splash potions of instant health. And I also have a stack of 64 steaks. And of course, I have about 32 eye of enders.

It took me forever to get all of this really good gear but I managed. I also named my bow Katniss and my sword The Goodness Gracious. I am all set. All I have to do is find the strong hold.

~after a few hours of looking for the strong hold~

Alright, I finally found the strong hold.

I am standing on the edge of the end portal.

"Well, it's now or never. For Preston!!!!" I battle cry.

I take a deep breath and I jump into the portal where the enderdragon has been waiting a long wait for me.

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