Chapter 37

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In the morning I wake to knocking on the door. When I go to answer I find Maxi stood, looking guilty. "Hoppo doesn't want me back at work today so I thought I'd keep you two company."

"You're okay though? Like really okay?" He nods and hugs me.

"Jess explained what happened. I'm sorry for scaring you." Tom appears at the door and looks concerned. I step away and smile at him, I don't want to start an argument this early in a day. "Can we go to the beach today?" he asks, innocently enough but I know that if I say no he'll have to fight with himself again. Maxi rescues me "Nah mate. We need to stay in. Everyone's tired." I keep hold of Tom's hand as I watch his inner argument.

"How about we call James and do some new physio?" I ask, hoping it will be an adequate compromise. He looks at me, grinning. I go to the kitchen to make the call, all but begging James to come and he agrees. As I enter the living room, the boys are in deep discussion. The only thing I hear before they stop is Maxi saying "I don't know if Lil will agree."

"What won't I agree to?" I ask before laughing at the guilt on their faces. Tom smiles "Nothing. Maxi just wants to go and make a call." he looks pointedly at Maxi who sighs and leaves. I sit on the sofa and Tom climbs next to me, pulling me into his arms. "You do know we don't need them here all the time? Whats the worst that can happen?" he asks and I immediately think of all the times when we've been alone and all the horrendous things that happen during them. He seems to realise I don't want to talk and stops. "Lily.." he whispers after a while "You know I love you right? No matter what I do.." I nod and sit up so I can face him. "Your injury isn't you." I tell him and he smiles sadly. Our conversation is cut short by Maxi and James coming to join us. Maxi shrugs as James tells Tom the plan. "Okay so first we're going to make sure your arms and core muscles are strong enough and then we'll work your back." We nod.

"Maxi, you don't have to stay. Well you have to be in the house so I can keep an eye on you. How about you see what you can find on the laptop?" I ask and he nods, happy to have found a way out.

"Right. Lily? Do you want to watch or you can go with Maxi if you like?" I shake my head. The one thing more dangerous than Tom and I being alone together is us being apart. "Are your legs painful at all?" Tom shakes his head. "Okay.. How about we start with the arm tests." Tom smiles, completing them and the core exercises with ease. James nods. "I wouldn't expect anything less. So we'll start on a few new things. Am I right in thinking you have some movement in your legs?" Tom nods but panic fills me, after our last attempt at physio anything new fills me with dread. "Do you want me to support you here or would you be more comfortable with Lily?" Tom takes one look at me before holding out his arms for me to fall into. "I love you. Go see how Maxi's doing?" I try to protest but he won't let me. James seems to agree so I go to Maxi's room. He immediately opens the door and sits me down. "Lil. I know what happened before but he's going to be fine." He looks at me seriously. "You look like Hell. How much sleep have you had in the past few days?" I shake my head, refusing to answer. "Lily. If you don't answer me I'll just tell Tom."

"I've been in bed the same amount of time as Tom has."

"That's not what I asked."

"I just can't stay asleep. If I'm asleep he could die. Do you have any idea of how terrifying that is? It's not just him though.." I trail off, not wanting to scare Maxi but he forces me to finish. "I'm killing you all.." I whisper, almost silently.

"Oh darling.. No. You've not done anything wrong. We've already explained how Tom's accident wasn't your fault but everything after that was just a result of it. And me yesterday? That's just because I'm clumsy- only I could get concussion falling out of bed!" I smile slightly as Tom enters. He immediately comes to hug me. He's literally buzzing with excitement as he tells me how much he can move his legs. I watch his eyes the whole time and find a thin vale of exhausted fog. "I think we need to get to bed." I say, smiling, as Maxi helps us both. As soon as he hits the pillow Tom's asleep. Maxi takes his place in the chair. "I'm stayin here, Lil, and I won't  let anything happen to either of you. It's going to be ok."

"You need to sleep too, Maxi." I tell him but he shakes his head.

"If me being awake makes you sleep then I'll do it Lil." I nod and fall asleep with a smile on my face as I am surrounded by two of my favourite people in the world.

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