Chapter 82

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Lily's POV

Tom argues for Maxi and persuades me in seconds. It was never going to be for long anyway, I miss Maxi when he's not here. It only takes about 3 minutes for him to appear. Smiling as much as he can, he pulls me into a tight hug, as if he can hold me together if he tries hard enough. The embrace lasts for a few minutes before he pulls away. "Whatever they say you can't hurt us.." He says quietly.

"Can we just not mention that. For now, I've sorted that for you. Is someone with Chap?" He nods, "Right. Then you need to tell me why you're.. like this.." I gesture widely. He looks at me incredulously.

"Isn't it obvious?" I shake my head, "I'm gonna assume something they said made you forget about us.. Because Tom made you that" He points to the booklet "And we've told you how much we care a thousand times." He stops but I gesture for him to go on. I need to know what's upset him, because it's not just me. "I'm fine if I have something to do- like yesterday with Tom and Jess- but now.. I just worry about you Lil. I don't know what to do about this level of fear. It's almost constant." He stops and looks guilty, staring at the floor as he says "Sorry.." I don't know how to react.

"Don't apologise." I whisper, trying to work out what to say, "I'm not gonna make you go anywhere but I might not always be happy about you being here, just ignore me if I go crazy.. But Chap can't be anywhere near me ok? No matter what, he needs to be nowhere near the Hospital ok?" He tries to protest but I silence him. "Please.. Just listen for now. You don't want him to die right?" He shakes his head, "Then we can't change it. If he's here he will die. I will kill him. And no, you can't argue." He pulls me into a hug softly.

"What's happened?" Tom is in the doorway, looking scared. "Why are you both crying?" Maxi laughs slightly and swipes away his tears.

"Mate, we're fine. Just a bit too much thinking. Time to have some fun!?" Maxi says. I smile halfheartedly, no matter how hard he tries he doesn't sound as happy as he used to: before I broke him.

"Can we eat first? I'm hungry." I ask, hoping to be alone with Tom for a second. Maxi nods, his smile faltering, and leaves. "Tom. We are really ok. Maxi's just worried.. He's ok if he's with me so he's going to stay more. Chap is gone right?" He nods but has the sense not to argue. "It might be better if you go back to Chap's at night.. I need you to be safe and to look after yourself." He shakes his head adamantly.

"I'm not leaving you again. I'll sleep in here, we'll make the doctors let us both stay. It's gonna be fine but neither of us want to leave. It's not like Maxi has a monopoly on worrying." I smile but it doesn't escape my notice that he doesn't get out of the chair. Something in his eyes tells me he's not well but Maxi and the doctor are back before I can ask him.

"Good morning Lily. I hear you're hungry? What would you like?"

"Just bread would be great.." He nods and goes out again.

"You know you don't have to.." Maxi starts but I silence him and turn to Tom. His clenched jaw frames his dark eyes and pale face.

"Are you gonna tell me what's going on?" I ask, hoping he'll just tell me the truth. I don't have the energy to argue today.

"I'm fine." I look at him seriously, "Just a bit painful. I'm ok."

"You can't even move.. You're not ok. Have you been taking meds?" I try to take his hand but he pulls away.

"I can't remember Lil. I'll be fine." I shake my head.

"You're taking them now. Where are they?" He looks guilty and stares at the floor.

"I sorta ran out.. I'm fine. I don't need them. We just need you better now." I shake my head and reach out to him, taking his hand despite his protests.

"You need them. Go ask someone for some. Please.. You look terrible.. I don't want to lose you too.."

"I'll go. What do you need?" Maxi asks. I recite the list of medication he's meant to take, which he's evidently been avoiding. Tom's grip becomes tighter as he fights something before he drops my hand.

"Sorry." he mutters, his voice forced. Maxi comes back quickly and helps Tom take the tablets. "I'm ok now." he whispers and I nod, taking his hand again.

"Go home Tom. Go see Chap and sleep. I don't want you to do that again ok?" He shakes his head as the doctor appears with a slice of bread on a plate, halting any argument we were about to have.

"Okay Lily. So you only have to eat as much as you want to. I'm just here to make sure you cope ok with it." I nod as he hands me the plate. Maxi moves closer to me, as if he has to protect me from bread. Slowly, I lift it to my mouth and take a bite. It seems odd, eating after so long, but if it gets me home it's good. I manage to eat about half of it before giving up. Maxi lifts Tom onto the bed and he hugs me tightly. Carefully, I lay my head back against his chest and listen to his heartbeat, unable to speak for exhaustion. That pulsating beat becomes the perfect rhythm of my dreams as I drift off.

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