Part 3

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-Friday Morning-

Im walking to school alone today. Last night I had a phone call with Jenny which was definitely her darkest side. We are not friends anymore and it's all because of one boy.

I go to leave the house and i see Dan waiting at a lamppost at the end of my street "what are you doing here?" I say with a smile on my face. "Walking to school with you" he replied playfully. We talked and talked until we reached the school gates, he went to see his friends as I saw an empty bench that was calling my name.

"Amanda?" I heard a voice say. I looked up and it was my teacher Miss.Coleman, I always have a good convocation with her about my school work but this time it was different. "You look upset are you ok?" I pause for a minute thing should I tell her? "I'm fine Miss.Coleman thanks for asking" she walks away with a worried smile "ok"

The day went by and me and Dan were together all day. It was so fun! We got kicked out of he library for throwing books, hilarious. And then in science... We got sent out for mixing acids. Oops.

-coming to the end of the day-

-period 5 Math-

I went to sit in my seat until Dan called me name, he wanted me to sit with him. Hmm what should I do? Sit with my friend or sit with Jenny and josh? "No Dan I'm good here! " I sit in a seat right between Josh and Jenny, this should be fun.

-half way through the lesson-

Mr.franklin was explaining about triangles and squares while I was looking around the classroom until I hear "find a partner" I instantly looked at dan as he came running to me... we're becoming really close now me and Jenny aren't friends! I think it's sweet actually since I know he is so funny and caring. And because I know Jenny really likes him! Which doesn't make sense how she goes out with Josh but still likes Dan. As he's walking over I turn around at Jenny "it won't be hard to find your partner will it?" She gave me this horrible look...

At the end of the lesson Josh pulls me to one side "Amanda your being really mean to Jenny please act a bit more mature" I laugh "Josh you remind me of my mother! Anyway that girl deserves everything that comes her way because she betrayed me. And your not helping" I guess I didn't help by saying that either. He looks at me with those eyes (AGAIN) "and your betraying her, your getting closer friends with Dan and it's destroying her, it's all she's thinking about!" Strange since she's his girlfriend and he doesn't care that she's thinking about Dan. I glance around the classroom then straight back at his big brown eyes. "your right. I'm going to talk to her but if your going to date my bestfriend... Don't kiss ME first."

-end of the school day/school week-

"So glad we made up" jenny says with a great big smile. "Me too!" I replied. Just as I went to grab my bag, Dan came over wanting to speak in private...

"Is everything ok Dan?" He sighs, "no. Not really" he looks at me like I've done something wrong I'm getting worried now. "Do you want to explain?" I say after an awkward minute of silence. "Amanda, I didn't want you to be friends with Jenny again because we've being having such fun just me and you and it's just gonna go to waste now" I didn't get it. "Wait, you like hanging around with a girl who just listens to music all day and night long and writes in a diary?" He laughs, "yeah I like her a lot and I want to have a better friendship" he's making me blush, "like a relationship?" ....... There's a long pause until he breaks the ice with a "exactly".

"Amanda your going to be late home!" Jenny screams in my face "yeah I know we better get going" on the way home I tell Jenny about me and Dan, she didn't look happy but she's accepted it. "Jenny can I ask you a question?" She looks at me "umm... Sure" I take a deep breath "why do you care so much for dan... A boy you've liked forever when you already have a boyfriend who I've liked forever? It makes no sense we've changed boys" she chuckles "yeah I get you... But it's because Josh is so nice to me, he cares a lot about me... And I hate to tell you but umm Josh doesn't like you. He never did." I stopped, I stopped everything I was doing... I just froze. "So why did he kiss me? Or at least try too?" We carried on walking, "he wanted to make his ex jealous..." She said. I sped up walking until I finally got home. I ran upstairs and yep, out comes the diary.

Title: Boyfriend obtained *loveheart*

-that night-

My phone rings, it's Josh. I decline it.

He texts me I open it for a split second until I saw the name Dan. So I read it.

It read: please answer me it's important, otherwise I will get Dan to break up with you....

URGH. I rang him back and he said "I can't get you off my mind. I'm being serious come to my place"

I hung up and went to his house in the bitter cold.

"Amanda! So glad you could come!" I didn't even get a chance to say hi because Dan said "hi mate" I thought it would be fun to bring Dan...

"Come in guys" josh said. I wiped my feet on his mat and took my shoes off. "Nice place!" Dan said. "Uhh thanks. Let's go in my room where it's quiet" we all followed each other up the stairs, we sounded like a Hurd of elephants escaping the zoo we were so loud! We all sat on Josh's bedroom floor, me and Dan were holding hands and josh leaned in and kissed me... Just so unexpectedly I didn't get time to push him away. Dan let's go of my hand and punches Josh!

The worst thing in my life. I get a boyfriend who I love and the boy I used to really like kisses me in front of him. Oh and of course THE REACTION TO IT!!!

"WHAT THE HELL! You told Jenny you didn't like me!!" Dan leaves. I stay. "I was trying to break up with Jenny... I was going to say I love you Amanda" I can't believe the words spilling out his mouth. "K. Thanks for wrecking my mood... And maybe my relationship Josh. Thankyou." I slam the door and ran down the stairs I couldn't wait to get home...

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