Part 8

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6 months later

"Josh it's been months since we said we would get rid of him. we haven't" bearing in mind I'm 7 months pregnant, it's probably for the best. i kept rambling on my petty stories and fears, "josh I don't want to be a mother behind bars and bring the baby up in prison" he sits me down, I'm shaking. "it's going to be fine" he said sternly.

Over the past few months he has been very stern with me and always going out with his friends as I'm just left alone in the house with my only remaining friends the television and chocolate...

-a few hours later-

*beep beep* text. dan.

'Amanda, I need to see you now can I come over?'

"Josh it's Dan, he wants to come over"

"Yeah, whatever baby I'm off out with the guys. text me if you need me" he said very laid back as he was putting his navy blue, creased jacket on.

Shortly after I got the message, a knock at the door "come on in Dan" I said sweetly. "hi" he said as he went in for the hug, awkward. I cut to the chase "you wanted to see me?" There was a long pause, Dan whipped his phone out his jeans pocket and got his photo gallery up. "what are you doing?" I said whilst he was looking upset.

We sat down on the couch, he told me news I never wanted to hear. ever. "Josh is still seeing Jenny, Amanda. He loves her" of course Dan would know since he and Jenny are so close. i burst out into tears right in front of him, that awkward hug from before would be really helpful now! "Amanda I'm here for you, you know I still like you" I looked around and wiped away the black mascara stained tears down my face the more I cried the more it washed off. "Amanda, I gotta go will you be ok?" I smiled (fake smile) and seen him out. how can I kill him he is the closest thing I have to a friend! and this rate a boyfriend...


I hear voices downstairs that woke me up, a lot of laughing that sounded girly, I hunted down my torch in the pitch-black bedroom and headed downstairs. I got to the living room and I see josh and jenny kissing! "josh is that you?" I said pretending I never new they were there. "Yeah it's me" I turned the light on and I see Jenny with a unbuttoned shirt on and Josh with lipstick all round his face.

I ran back upstairs and set my alarm for the next morning, he followed me upstairs "me and Jenny, you don't understand" he said all panicked. "what do you mean?" I said.

He kept rambling on about Dan and how much he and Jenny hate him. "me and Jenny made a deal" he said along with a sigh, he continued "the deal was that if me and Jenny date, she will help us kill Dan" I was absolutely mortified. "Josh! it's a trick! she clearly still likes you and she wants you" he started crying, fear and pressure got to him, and maybe, me. "I know she wants me, she's not getting me because I have you Amanda. I love you, only kept it away from you so you didn't panic!" ok, "so you in?" he said, I don't know what to say...

If I say yes, I'm committing a serious crime but get to be with the person I love and have a family which has been my dream.

If I say no, Dan gets to be alive and Josh might hate me and I will be a single mother, or, raising the baby with Dan, who I'm not in love with.

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