Part 6

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I'm sat in a hospital bed with my jaw wide open gob-smacked a what Josh just said. "What do you mean you love me more?" He got hold of my hand and smiled. "We've been friends like, forever. We're great together" I just stare at him without saying anything. My mum walks out the room "I'm going home Amanda, I need to get housework done" I wave goodbye, still haven't said anything. As soon as the door slowly closes my eyes meet Josh again "but.. What about Jenny?" I ask. He sits in silence "she said we are on a break Amanda, she will be ok" I look down at my bruised body and sigh. I have a lot to think about! "Amanda I gotta go my dad asked me to come home" I smile "oh ok... I... I lov-" ... the words almost slipped out my mouth. I can't say I don't love him because I would be lying, but i don't even know if I want this to happen! "I love you too" he says following a beautiful smile. He stands up to put his jacket on he leans over the hospital bed rail and slowly closes his eyes. Next thing our lips are in contact... We have a soft, gentle kiss. Amazing. I pull away "uh, yeaahhh." He laughs, the cutest laugh ever. I've fell in love again with my boy bestfriend, the father of our baby... It's moving to fast but I love it I love every moment we have together! This is going in the diary.

-the next day-

"Rise and shine!" Dr.Parker walks in "your free to leave! We are discharging you!" I am literally the happiest I've felt in weeks. "REALLY!" He has a clipboard in his hands. Very professional. "Your mum has a business trip... She's gone for two weeks so you will be staying with.. Uhh... Josh? Is it Josh?" He said his name twice, josh is in my head now. I can't wait to see him! "Yes! That's the one!" As soon as we mention Josh, he strolls in the room "hey!" I stand up and give him a huge hug, I can actually stand up and walk now! I kiss him "someone's happy!" He said. I grab my things and put them back in my bag I came in with. "Let's go!"

-later in the day-

*beep beep* text message. Dan.

It reads: hey heard you were back home. Please ring me.

I delete it quickly.

"I'm all ready, ready for two whole weeks at your house!" I say to Josh. I'm so nervous, butterflies in my stomach controlling my brain. "I know it's gonna be so much fu-" he stopped his sentence as I dashed out the door running to the toilet. Morning sickness. I run back downstairs "sorry" I quickly cleaned my teeth, argh that was horrible.

After I cleaned my teeth I walked back in the the room with Josh "yay we can kiss now without me puking myself!" I laugh and slowly lean in for a kiss. He is so cute it's unbearable! As soon as I pull away I glance around the room and come across the window. A figure with his or her head down walked away... "Ready to go?" Josh said "yeah. Let's do this!" He opens the front door and we go to walk out but there's flowers on the doormat. "Amanda?" I pick up the flowers and read the note.

It reads: yep, you've moved on. Once again I'm sorry, I love and miss you loads. Dan xxx

My Boy BestfriendOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant