Part 13

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I can't believe I messed up my education, lost half my school class mates that I used to be close too and what's that other thing? Oh yeah, being a single mother.

*beep beep* text message

It read; Hey Amanda I heard you got kicked out of school, it's ok sweetie, I believe in you 100% don't be worried, scared or anything like that. love grandpa x

O.M.G Word spread fast. Man I miss him.

I replied and kicked my shoes off, I decided to have a bit of me time, well, me and baby time! I played with her until she fell asleep in my arms. So beautiful, so gorgeous and so f*cking cute.

I kicked back on the couch after I put Ruby in her crib, got the magazine I bought today and flickered through it..."hmm, intresting" I said to myself after seeing an advertisement for an actress. LAST CHANCE AUDITIONS.

I LOVE ACTING! PERFECT! I jotted down the details on my notepad and rang them for an audition, only problem is it was in LA. all of my savings would get me there.. Is it worth the risk? It's my only shot, once in a life time experience so I'm gonna go for it! Why not?!

All these thoughts poured into my mind: your friends would miss you, Ruby's health, school, doctors ect. I might not get the part.


But on the other hand! Positive thoughts burst open like, it would change my life around! Forget all about the bad people! Who needs school? Or should I say what school wants me, lol.

I got through to the operator and she took my details and said I could audition!

-later that day-

I wrote out a CV, got a small suitcase for Ruby and a big one for me and all day I was packing! I booked a room for us for a week, long enough right? Whatever LA BABY HERE I COME!

-that night-

I printed off the hotel details, flight details and got our passports ready... No turning back now. As soon as I get in that taxi cab on the way to the airport. That's it. A new life for Amanda and Ruby!

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