Gender Dysphoria

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So, here I am again. Today I shall be talking about gender dysphoria, what it is, and some ways to deal with it.

Gender dysphoria is an intense or general unhappiness with your gender. Not all transgender people have it, but most of them do. Some of the symptoms you might experience are: Feeling disgusted with your body, having a hard time getting dressed or showering because of your body parts, and feeling extremely upset when you are called female pronouns (for people that are ftm transgender).

Gender dysphoria can be extremely difficult to deal with. Some people have it worse than others. I'll use myself as an example. I have a hard time showering, getting changed, and using the restroom, because my hatred and disgust for my body overpowers my ability to perform everyday necessities. You may experience the same thing, you may not, or your dysphoria is not as bad. Like I've said before, not everyone experiences dysphoria in the same way or at the same intensity. (Sorry for saying that so much. I just want to get that point across.)

Now for some things that will help you cope with gender dysphoria!! Yay! It took long enough. I'll list the ways that might help.

1: Packing- Packing is putting an object (like a sock or a specifically designed packer) in your underwear, to make it seem like you have a bulge. There are specific online companies that sell packers and all sorts of other useful items for transgender males.

2: STPs- These wonderful items stand for "stand to pee". They literally do what they are called. You can pee standing up. There are STPs that double as packers, so they are very useful as well. Of course, there's nothing wrong with sitting down to use the toilet. It's all about what you are comfortable with.

3: Chest Binders- Chest Binders are also very helpful for transgender males. A chest binder, if you do not know what it is, is a tank top-like piece of clothing that makes your chest appear flatter. There are long binders that go past the stomach, and there are half binders that stop higher up towards the breasts. It's important that you get the right sized binder, because you don't want one that is too tight and will cause damage or significantly restrict your breathing, and you don't want one that is too loose and will not do its job. It's a good idea to take measurements, and if you can't, try to make an educated guess based on the size of your breasts. So, what do you do when you have the right sized binder and you've tried it on to make sure it's comfortable ? Well, try on different shirts that you have and see what is compatible with the binder. Not all shirts will work with it, so it's good to make sure you have some that are. It is also a good idea, when you begin to wear a binder, to keep track of how long you have been wearing it that day. It is not recommended to wear a binder more than eight (8) hours. Wearing a binder for more than eight hours can cause damages to your ribcage and can also affect your breathing negatively. Do NOT SLEEP IN YOUR BINDER. That's definitely not a good thing to do. It can cause permanent damages to your body. In addition, NEVER try to bind with tape or an ace bandage. That can also cause damage. It is very unsafe. You can take off your binder as many times throughout the day as you need to. If you are starting to feel like you can barely breathe, then you should take off the binder. That also applies for if you feel lightheaded and/or feel pain while wearing the binder. I think that's all I have to say about binding.

4: Dress in a masculine way. I wrote previously about that. It's really about what you feel comfortable in, and what you think makes you look and feel masculine.

5: Talking With a Deep Voice- You can practice talking with a deep voice when you're alone or even if you're around people. Whatever you are comfortable with is fine. Try singing using a deeper voice, or go on YouTube and practice with tutorials on there.

6: Have people call you a masculine name of your choice, along with male pronouns- There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing this. Or, look in a mirror and practice affirmations by yourself. Try doing this every day, and eventually you'll start to believe it. This is not for everyone, of course, but it's worth a try.

7: Exercise- Exercising will help your mood because of endorphins being released. There's also some stuff with serotonin and whatnot, but I'm not gonna go into that. You'll feel like you accomplished something (which you did), and you'll feel better about yourself after you did it.

8: Treat Yourself- Treat yourself to something you like, such as Starbucks, or a book from Barnes and Noble. It's good to remind yourself that you deserve to be happy and deserve to have nice things for yourself. This will help you feel valid, because you are valid and so are your feelings.

9: Talk To Friends- Talking to friends can get your mind off of your troubles temporarily. You'll have someone you care for that's around to make you happy or at least feel better. Doing something for them can also make you feel good about yourself.

10: Just Do Stuff That You Enjoy and Be Yourself.

I'll leave the links to the binders, the packers, the STPs, and the voice training in my description box thing. I really hope I helped some of you out. Always remember that you and your feelings are valid, no matter what anyone says. Things do get better. I hope you all have a good day or night, wherever you are. Be sure to comment any additional tips, or pm me your experience if you want to. Bye guys.

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