7 Days of hell: Day 3

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Toby's Pov.
Slenderman told me to go check on the girl who Masky told me who's name is Artemisia. I walk over and she is sitting on her bed eyes closed smiling as if waiting for me "Oh hello, Toby" Artemisia spoke with a smile her eyes still closed "H-how do you k-know my na-name?" I asked as I slowly back into the walls my ticks getting more annoying than usual she laughed "Oh sweet Toby how do you not remember me?" She looked at me with a frown as if she was hurt "I-I don't know y-yu-you" I wanted to grab my hatchet but my hands were now pressed to the way with her hands "You Creepypasta's sure are slow on reflexes aren't you?" She looked around as if feeling like someone was watching her "Ok let's just get to your fears, now close your eyes and you won't get hurt physically" I wanted to protest but my vision dimmed and came back again I was in a car with two familiar women when the one in the front passenger seat looked at me "You ok Toby?" She looked at me with concern 'Lyra' I wanted to cry and realized that I am in the same car.." Well you kids ready for ice cream?" My mother asked as she turned the car on "I am so excited!!" Lyra was almost jumping from her seat "I-I am r-re-ready!!" I tried to sound excited as tears formed my eyes " Well here we go" my mom drove as we sat in a silence it was quiet for a while then I heard a laugh "hahahhahha" It was faint but I heard it "M-mom watch OUT!!" Lyra screamed as her mother just hit another car having ours flipped as everything happening so fast "LYRA!!" I screamed as I tucked into a ball trying to protect myself tears formed as I heard sirens "M-ma-make it s-t-op-stop" I cried for my mom,Lyra anyone "well your fears are a bore" a girl appeared with H/C, full E/C and a scythe "You" I growled I didn't care about my fears "Aw did I scare did little Rogers?" She said in a baby m voice "That is it bitch I have had enough" I grabbed my hatchet and threw it at her it hit her in the head she looked shocked then laughed as blood ran down her forehead "do you really think it was that easy?!" She grabbed the hatchet and threw it out of her head 'WTF!' I thought she lashed out F/C tentacles? I was confused "W-what are y-ou?" I dodged a tentacle "oh you don't remember when we first met Toby Rogers?" She laughed as she finally pinned me "it has been a LONG time since I saw you" she inspected me as if to see if I was worth her kill "H-how could y-ou re-remember-ber?" I looked at her I don't remember her at all but a small memory was tugging the back of my mind as if I DO know her.. " well Toby our time is up I hope can remember your fear" She let me dropped I coughed going on all fours "What-what is my fe-fear?" I asked her she smiled sympathy "oh sweet Toby your fear is having to see all of your dear loved ones dying" she looked at me when I stared at her and noticed a black tear running down her cheek "I hope HE treats you right at that mansion"
She walked away as my vision dimmed and I fell into unconsciousness.
"Hahaha daddy slow down!!" A little girl no older than 5 she smiles as her father holds her "How are you  child?" Her father asked her as he tickles her "I feel amazing Daddy!!" She showed her teeth as she looked at the trees and saw a shadow it was dark and unseeable but there it was "Daddy what is that shadow?" The little girl asked with curiosity "There is nothing there child along with you.." the girl looked at her father when he said that and was stricken with a unbearable pain she fell on the ground "DADDY HELP!!" the little girl cried as she begged for her father to help her "You don't belong child but don't worry it won't matter" black shadows came from his back as they struck her over and over again she screamed and cried tears of betrayal as she slowly and painfully watched her father kill her when she did nothing to make him feel this way 'what will happen when mommy finds out' the little girl thought as she crumpled from another slash of the shadow "WHAT DID YOU DO TO OUR DAUGHTER?!?" The girl watched as her mother came with her father looking at his hands somehow covered in her blood "I-I don't kn-now I didn't even touch her in any harming way I remember" her father stuttered as he watched his wife cradle the little girl covered in her own blood with slashes so many it is hard to tell how many "YOU MONSTER I TRUSTED YOU AND-AND THIS IS HOW I GET 'LOVED' BACK TO YOU BY KILLING MY ONLY DAUGHTER YOU FILTHY, DISGUSTING, SLIMY NO GOOD DIRTY SON OF A-" her mother never finished her sentence as she dropped dead with a hatched in the back of her head "B-boss are you al-alri-alright?" the boy who killed his wife he stared at him "Go into the mansion you are going to get a punishment for what you have DONE!" His boss answered as the boy scrambled to head back to the home the man cradled his wife and dead child crying tears of black he held them close his daughter still wide eyed when she was stricken with the shadows. His wife still with a mean face as blood oozes out of her head "WHY!!" The man screamed as he cried but soon after left there bodies and head back to his home where is daughter will never greet him his wife never kiss him he was alone and empty.
~~End of  weird flashback/dream~~
Toby woke up in the hospital room curled up as Artemisia laid down as if she was sleeping this whole time "I-I killed his w-wife" I realized what I did that day the fateful day he lost the will to care "I am a monster" I curled up in a ball and cried grieving over my sister on last time though it happened so long ago I stood up and head back to where my past isn't taking a effect of me....Yet.

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