7 Days of hell: Day 4

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Jeff's Pov
"Jeff you need to check on the girl" Slender said when I was racing against BEN "Do I have to?" I said still focused on the game "COME ON!!" I screamed as I lost to BEN ....again. "Haha I win!"
BEN retorted I stood up and faced Slender "Ok I will check on the girl" BEN looked at me "Jeff carful that girl is one scary bitch" and then sat back down.
I went to the hospital room when I got to her area she was up with her eyes closed? "Hello Jeffery did you enjoy your game?" She smiled "Hello.." I answered her I sat on the chair as she looked at me with her head tilting towards me "I don't think I remember you joining HIS family" her voice had an echo to it as if something else was also repeating "How do you even know?" I was getting on edge I put my hands in my pocket to make sure my knife was there "Oh Jeff you don't know ALOT of things I know" she playfully grinned at me "You are one creepy b-" unable to finish when a black shadow came towards me "this will be ALOT easier if you stay still" she had a smile on more black shadows came I struggled but more kept coming "Pity guess we will have to do it the hard way" as she noticed my struggling. Everything went into slow motion as I get punched blacking out I wake in a home looking around my surroundings and stiffen when I hear it "Aren't I beautiful now mamma?" I knew that voice coming anywhere I felt terrified "no no please I am begging you please I don't want to watch" I mumbled to my self with my body moving without my permission. Screams of agony are heard in the dining room as I walk there I see Lui tied just as our parents were and Janes too I watched as 'I' kill Lui along with my parents I tried to move my head away from the scene with tears flowing out of my eyes unable to stop. Flames engulfed me as 'I' lit my old home on fire with me inside it I felt the pain and agony screaming asking for it to stop "hahaha" laughter. That was all I heard before the flames went out and she appeared (if you are a guy just change it to he) with her H/C and piercing E/C rapped around with burning hate in those eyes electrifying my spine she smirked "That is probably the most HILARIOUS fear I have yet seen" I looked at her with the most horrified face as she laughed mercilessly towards me " wouldn't it be a SHAME if what his your brothers name again Lui? Where to I don't know say to DIE again ( for shadowing!!)" I felt the dark cold shadows rap around me again I struggled screaming at her "YOU WOULDN'T FUCKING TRY ME I WILL MAKE YOU SHUT YOUR EYES FASTER BEFORE YOU CAN GO TO SLEEP" I yelled more words until my voice horsed over " Aww is wittle Jeffy scawd I am going to kill is wittle bwothew?" She mocked me as I screamed as much as I could to my dismay 'this bitch is going to PAY when I have my hands around her pathetic, bruised, cut up, almost destroyed neck..?" I realized the condition of her body many bones looked broken tears keep flooding down her face and bruises and what look to be internal bleeding happening all around her body her eyes filled with hatred and betrayal as if she sees someone that betrayed her trust making her this way...
Pain I felt it when one of the shadows pierced the center of my gut making me let go of her neck "hahaha" she looked at me with eyes of the broken "hope to see you in hell when I see you again Jefferey remember this visit and remember the pain I can bring" with that being the last thing she has ever said to me as my vision fades into darkness.
I wake up in the chair with the girl sleeping as if our chat never happened "I will get you bitch and when I do I will make you go to sleep forever" I looked at her hatred and somewhat pity the form the demon bitch took looked either same or completely that different to the girl laying before me "Slenderman NEEDS to hear this" I got up and walked to Slender's office "Jeff why are you here don't you need to sleep?" Slender asked me when I walked in "I needed to talk to you about the girl" I answered he looked at me his head in a questionable angle "ok what about the girl?" Slender continued to organizing papers until I went on to describing what the they looked like from when my visoned dimmed "They had H/L H/C, dull E/C filled with anger and betrayal, she also had a scythe on her back their S/C was also pale with bruises and bones bent at odd angles that shouldn't be right, her F/C shirt torn and covered with blood but the most weirdest thing about her is she has these black long shadow tentacles coming out of her back-" Slender got up he looked slightly scared  "Tell everyone a meeting is happening at 4:00 make sure everyone is here that includes the girl...." I stare at him shocked "Are you sure?" He nodded I left the room to gather everyone.
"Watch out Slender this war is just the beginning....mwhahahhahahahahahahahahaAhHAHAHAHA"

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