7 Days of Hell: Day 6

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This chapter goes out to marylove558  if you want to be in the story I am only adding one last person to this so comment PLEASE!!! If you want to be part of it 😊
Warning: involves rape....you have been warned
Mary's Pov
I had to go see the girl I knew she is bad news she has hurt to many of my friends I asked Slender why haven't we killed her....he won't answer I asked Jeff to give a description because he took in her details I came across the door to her I held my breath and walked in.
"Hello Mary" she slurred her eyes closed she sat up
'Run away'....come closer she beckon me forward
'She is despaired'....she is healed her smile becoming more sinister
'Don't sa-....' Help me.... the darkness comes closer
The voices drowned with the darkness.
I woke up in my bed I look in the mirror and I.....I have my e-eyes the fierce hazel around the iris, calm blue green hue.....
"Please....stop" a whimpering voice came from outside my old roomI knew this day. Seven is when insanity took its bite I did exactly how this memory went I walked out of my room to the sound of the door walking toward the noise "Daddy?" I walked in as my father sat on top of my sister he jumped  "W-what are you doing Mary?your suppose to be in bed" I looked at him with a sad face "I couldn't sleep"  he had a relief on his face "then go get some water" I nodded my head as I closed the door I walked towards the kitchen.
"The man must die"
It spoke its voice rusty yet smooth this was the first time it has ever spoke I still continued to walk.
"He is sinned"
I reached the kitchen water calmly sitting I reached and took a sip the water flowing down
" cut the eyes to be saved"
I stopped. My eyes eating the looks of the knife my hand slowly reaching towards it.
"Do it you will be saved"
I held it I felt transfixed to the knife the way it glistened I slowly shoved it in my eye.
Pain, that was the only thing I felt blood flooded the right eye as I pulled it out and went straight for the left shoving it in making sure it is gone
Destroyed. I held my eyes in my hand stumbling looking for something to cover them.
"The duct tape, use the duct tape"
Holding my eyes as I ran towards the duct tape having it across my eyes
"You are healed" it said it with comfort as if I'm free I slowly realize
"Daddy needs to be healed" I walked over to his room my sister already in her room whimpering after her experience I enter.
He looked so sounding as if what he had done was not a crime I walked over to his ear as whispered "Daddy are you ready to be saved like I was?" Before he could even move I stabbed he eyes he screamed with agony as one ripped out the second one soon after he screamed and cried as blood dropped down like tears
"He isn't saved yet" I am confused now all I had to do was get rid of my eyes why is Daddy not healed?
"His heart must stop" I smiled nodding my head as my father was going to be healed stabbing his heart I smiled the room around me dispersed as I woke in the woods "a great performance I must say" the girl laughs as she moves closer to me I stood up facing her. With a pale face and and hair and skin matted with blood clothes ripped, tears slip as the girl crumples to the ground "was-s it really th-that easy to give up all trust in your father?!" Her tears falling to the ground I stare and her with confusion as I walked up to her "ummm hey it-it's going to be ok" she looked at me a smile "yes your right thank you" she wrapped her arms around me as I hug her back "it's a shame I am going to have to see you go" with confusion "what do you me-
Crumpling Mary's body heaves with her head next to my feet confusion still forever left on her face "well it was nice to end you ta ta~"
Third Pov
Toby walked in to check on Mary to as he walked to Artemisia's room to see a blood pool closer Toby starts to run "Mary are you alr..." as her head rolls towards his feet fear strikes him as he runs to Slenderman with Mary's head Pasta's start following Toby as they are filled with confusion
"What is wrong?!" One would say
"Is Mary alright?" More would ask
Toby banged open the door as Slenderman stands up "What is the meaning of this?" He asked stern as static slowly filled Toby's ears "M-Mary is u-unfort-fortunately d-DEAD" He crumples as her head rolls onto Slender's desk horror fills some of the pasta witnessed as some cry
"I come with a message" the head starts to speak
"Bring me Slenderman Tomorrow dawn no one else is to come if the wish to live" the head then slacks and more emotions fill the room
"Sir, what does this mean?" Toby answers tears fill his eyes
"I must meet with her and end this" they nod their heads as Slender is left in his office alone
"I am going to make sure Y/N doesn't hurt anyone anymore"

HELLO my readers soooo sorry for the wait my phone was being a jerk to me so I hope you aren't mad at me for the wait and you are still enjoying the story but thank you sooo much for reading my story and with a goodbye I wish your sanity luck :3
PEACE ✌️ me

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