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       Two days had passed since Rick and Morty had gone to get alcohol. Morty was currently in the middle of going through everything he packed a second time before dinner, worried that he may forget something when he left tomorrow evening. A feeling of dread bubbled up from the very depth of his stomach, making him almost nauseous as he thought about how he was moving from his family. Sure it wasn't far, but it was still a big transition.

       "M-Morty, eugh come here for a minute." He nearly leapt out of his skin at the sudden sound of his grandfathers low voice breaking the silence. He tossed the shirt he had been holding back into the suitcase before he pulled the zipper around, sealing it in. He followed Rick down and into the garage, where he seemed to have a small box resting on his desk. Rick traipsed over, picking it up carefully before returning, and placed it gently into Morty's awaiting hands.

       Removing the lid revealed that the box contained a small charm-like object, roughly the size of a ring. "Thanks Rick, but... what exactly is it?" Morty lifted it out of the box, scrutinizing it.

       "I-It's euuugh a charm. Since I can't eugh keep an eye on you all the time w-while you're away, this will do it for me." He pulled it from my hand for a moment, "Keep Morty safe." Something whirred before the object rose from Rick's palm and landed on Morty's, taking a spot around his pinkie. "I adjusted the eugh command settings. It won't do anything so much as near to what Summer put up with."

       He held his hand out, splaying his fingers and watching light bounce off of  the object. "Gee, thanks Rick!" Morty let his hand fall back to his side and smiled, watching Rick sweep his flask to his lips and take a long drink. His eyes met Morty's when he lowered the object. "What, eugh Morty? What are you eugh s-staring at?" His gaze narrowed for a moment before the younger let his eyes drop to the floor.

       "I-I just can't believe I'm leaving. I mean, I don't know what I'll do with myself." He chuckled lightly, placing his flask back in his coat. "Eugh Don't worry, k-kid." Rick shuffled over to his cluttered desk and took a seat, spinning around and occupying himself with whatever he was currently building. The brunette wandered over and watched for a moment. "C-Can I help? Maybe like a last project before I'm gone for a w-while?" Rick rotated slightly, his own face inches away from his grandson's, "S-Sure eugh, gra-grab that drill over there." 

       Beaming, Morty followed each of Rick's instructions. It was nothing like when he was 14. This time, he knew where everything was. Rick had seemed to appreciate this. He didn't have to repeat himself multiple times before getting up and grabbing it himself. 

       "Thanks euuugh Morty." Standing in front of Morty, Rick held what looked like a new portal gun in his hands. Before Morty could ask about it, Rick tossed it into a box, "M-Mine's wearing euugh out. Battery's g-eugh-going." Nodding in understanding, the brunette followed Rick into the house, answering Beth's sudden call to dinner.

       Walking in, Morty found the familiar scent of roast chicken pleasantly awaiting him as he took his seat. Rick took a seat next to him while Beth brought the duo their plates. "Well," Beth sat, "looks like this is the last family dinner we're having with Morty before he leaves tomorrow. It's Summer all over again." Her eyes glossed over slightly while she tried to smile. "It won't be the same, Morty." She sniffed and wiped the tears away, "I still get to make you another lunch, though. I have that to look forward to." Morty chuckled lightly, watching his mom for a moment before he turned his attention to his plate, "Last family dinner, huh?" His eyes began to water before hot tears spilled over his cheeks, still chubby as ever. "I-I can't believe i-it. I mean..." 

        Her chair scraping the floor, Beth stood and walked over to Morty, leaning down to pull him into a hug, "It's alright. You'll be back on breaks. And maybe weekends?" Morty nodded when she let him go, "I'll try." The rest of the meal was filled with light discussion about Morty's accomplishments. Morty had been caught staring at Rick a few times and his grandfather was getting curious.


       When he had finally finished his meal and taken care of his plate, Morty began to ascend the stairs before a hand dragging him away told him he'd have to clear his browsing history later. Sure, it was his personal laptop, but people still borrowed it. Soon, Morty found himself standing in the garage, Rick shutting the door and sitting at his desk. "W-What's going on, Rick?"

       "I'm eugh wondering the same th-thing, M-Morty. Why eugh why the hell have you been euuuugh staring at me like a lost puppy? I-I-It's creepy, Morty." He cocked his brow and folded his arms across his chest. "I dunno, Rick. M-Maybe i-i-it's one of those weird occurrences, li-like what you hear a-about on that Creepypasta channel." His stutter had hit hard and Rick didn't fail to notice.

       "Morty, what the hell? eugh n-now you're stuttering, Morty. Y-eugh-you're stuttering again. What the h-hell?" Morty had begun shifting his weight from one foot to the other, tugging at the hem of his shirt in a failing attempt to ease his anxiety. "I-It's not-nothing, Rick." Their eyes met for a moment, Rick's intense gaze making Morty's heart skip a bit. Sure, he'd come to terms with this, but that look in Rick's eyes turned Morty on. Tugging his shirt a little lower to cover his slip-up, Morty laughed nervously. Rick stood, squinting at Morty, "There's euuugh something goin on. I-Is it that Jessica ch-chick?" Morty fervently shook his head, "N-No, Rick, she's married and has a k-kid. Besides, sh-she's not my ty-type." 

        "M-Morty, she was a-euuuuuugh-always your type. What- what changed?" Rick's eyes portrayed the insane amount of curiosity burning in his mind, the questions racing all through his head. "She doesn't have wh-what I-I-I want, Rick." 

       "What eugh more could you want, Morty? M-Morty, lis-euuuugh-listen. I can help you get her. Y-you can stop lying to y-yourself, M-eugh-Morty. I'll get the g-girl for you, and then you can- you can stop staring at me."

       "R-Rick, I-I'm serious, I d-don't like Jessica like th-that anymore. I don't w-want that." Rick sighed impatiently, "W-Well what eugh what do you want, M-Morty? Cuz if it'll eughhh make you stop with those looks, I'll do it. So eugh so what is it about Jessica that y-you don't like?" 

        "Well, sh-she never spoke to me. She h-hated me." 

        "Not eugh new, M-Morty."

         "And...." Morty struggled to find the right words here. "eugh and? C'mon, Morty."

        "And... she's a... girl, Rick. I d-don't like her because she's.... a girl."

        Rick looked lost for a moment and was about to voice a question before his eyes widened significantly. 

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