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       For a few hours, Morty laid on his bed, his hands folded together and resting on his stomach. He didn't know how to feel. One part of him wanted to scream and throw something, while another wanted to sob in a corner, for the world to go away and leave him to rot. And a third voice in the back of his head wanted him to find Daemon and kick the shit out of him, but also to fix their relationship. With all these thoughts running through his head, Morty could only lay back, a blank expression on his face.

       His alarm clock displayed the time: 5:43. Sighing, he rolled onto his side, hugging his extra pillow to his chest. He let the smallest voice take over, feeling the tears rolling down the side of his head. Burying his face into the pillow, his arms clutching it tightly, sobs ripped throughout his entire body. He hadn't a care in the world as to who heard him at this point. He just wanted the hurt to go away.

       He could hear the wind whistling outside his window, looking up quickly to see that a heavy storm had set in. A blizzard had rolled in, and he had failed to notice until now. Wiping his nose on the back of his hand, he buried his face in the pillow once more, rolling it to find a dry spot. The tears still fell, but he was no longer shaking with the force of constant sobs.

       He heard a knock on his door before it was slowly pressed open, Rick poking his head in through the small space. "M-Morty? W-eugh-what's goin' on?" Walking in the rest of the way, Rick left Morty's door open. The younger sat up, still clutching the pillow in one hand while cleaning his face up with the other. "N-Nothing, Rick." He pulled the pillow against himself again, listening to his own voice tremble.

       Sighing, Rick sat on the end of the bed, pulling Morty's phone out of his pocket. "You're man-friend's been messaging you nonstop. I wa-eugh-s wondering why you'd left your phone." Morty noticed that the screen hadn't cracked when he threw it, ultimately grateful for this. "Y-You should've set a better pass-eugh-word. 137? R-Really?" Chuckling lightly, he handed the phone to Morty.

       A heavy silence hung in the air for a moment before Morty unlocked his phone, reading Daemon's messages.

Big D
Yo, BB, you there? Lsten, tat wan't me.

Big D

Big D
Morty, pls? I'm sry.

Big D
Fine. B tht way. Kyle's bttr thn u, neway.

       Morty felt his heart shatter more and more as he read each text, scrolling through until he got to the very last one.

Listen, you fucker. You can have anybody in this world, and they won't add up to a quarter of what Morty is. So you and your cock-sucking friend can go have a great time, get drunk, fuck bitches. But you stay out of Morty's life, or I'll hurt you. And I don't show mercy.

       He read this twice, looking up at Rick after. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "S-Some-eugh-body had to do it... And," he pulled out his empty flask, shaking it, "I'll bet this was good, huh? Does a lot when you're down." Morty nodded in agreement, knowing that the alcohol had added to his emotions. He would've been completely well-composed. He was always like a stone wall, trying to hide his tears. He hated when people heard him cry, ever since he was told it sounded like a mating pig. The alcohol had broken down his wall, leaving him vulnerable.

       "I-I-I juss wanted... juss wanted to feel good fo-for a minute." Morty tossed the pillow to the floor, reaching his arms out like a child and watching Rick laugh lightly for a moment before moving over, pulling Morty into a hug. Morty cried onto his shoulder and Rick drew small circles on his back with the palm of his hand, rocking them back and forth and cupping his hand around the back of Morty's head. Pulling back, Morty dried his face once more, trying to stop crying. "T-Tell you what, M-Morty. eugh lie down and sleep for an hour. I'll orde-" He paused, standing and looking out the window, "well... I'll m-make somethi-eugh-ng. Just sleep that off. I'll wake you when i- when it's done."

       Morty sunk into the bed, laying on his side with his hands folded beneath his head. "I'll come up when i-eugh-t's done." The door latched shut, a soft click resonating through the room as Morty laid his head on the pillow. He was exhausted from crying so much.


       "M-Morty?" Opening his eyes, Morty saw Rick standing above him, shaking his arm. "C-C'mon, eugh kid, food's done." Groggily, Morty followed Rick, wondering why his head didn't hurt, even though the effect of the alcohol had worn off. Not wanting to dwell on that, he shook the thought from his head and followed Rick to the kitchen, sitting down. Rick placed a plate of spaghetti in front of Morty, sitting across from him instead of in his usual seat near him. "W-When did you learn how to cook?" Morty wrapped some saucy noodles around his fork and took a bite, relishing in the flavor. "B-Beth eugh was busy with weughork, so I took it up. Gotta look out f-for my kid." Through the windows, all Morty saw was white. "Beth called earlier. They might not make it back in time for Christmas if this carries on. They managed to get to your grandparents house. Th-eugh-ey're in a house of idiots now." Rick had made his way to the fridge, grabbing two beers and returning. He handed one across the table and Morty took it gladly.

       "Sorry 'bout your boy-toy." Rick sounded angry when he'd said that. "W-What? Why are you sorry?"

       "Y'know. He hurt you and all eugh that. Happened to me before." Morty raised a brow, curious to hear this story. "Nope, no details." Pouting, Morty went back to eating his dinner, watching as Rick managed to get spaghetti sauce on his nose. Morty laughed, watching Rick quickly wipe it away. "Smooth, Rick." The older scowled before laughing lightly.

       Their dinner was filled with small talk and laughter before they took care of the dishes, tossed their cans, and moved to sit on the couch. Morty pulled his phone out, seeing another text from Daemon. Rolling his eyes, he opened the notification, realizing that he would have to change the contact name soon.

Big D
Morty? WTH? I said I was sorry, so who tf sent that? We are not done.

Yes, we are Daemon. We're done. I'm not putting up with you anymore. You have no control over your emotions. We just... we don't go together.

       It took a moment for Daemon to reply.

Big D
Listen to me, you cowardly sack of shit. You are NOT leaving me. You're too much of a coward, with your stupid little stutter. Without me, you're dead. You won't make it on your own, you little pussy. So quit your crying because you and I aren't done. You and I both know you can't do that because you depend on me too much. You love me too much to walk out and I know this. Besides, I still have those journals of yours. The ones about your granpa? I'll show everybody, tell them what you told me. You're a sick little fuck and you know what will happen when somebody finds out. You're a pervert Morty. If you leave, I'll give those to Janine.

       Morty gaped at the screen, his face pallid. He knew Janine, she was the school journalist. If she got those journals of his, from when he was younger, she would disperse clippings throughout the entire university. "W-What eugh is it, M-Morty?"
       "Nothing!" Morty tried to shove his phone into his pocket but it had slipped and fell to the floor. Rick snatched it up quickly, watching as Morty snatched at his phone, trying to get it back. After a moment, Rick focused and read the screen, furrowing his brow. He handed the phone back to Morty and walked out, heading to the garage.

       "R-Rick, I-" Morty sighed in defeat, staring at his phones now black screen. He wanted so badly for this to just end already.

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