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       The day before Christmas Eve, Beth, Jerry, and Summer each decided to go out and do a little last minute shopping. While they were gone, it had begun to snow heavily, to the point that it was difficult to see out the windows. Morty had helped Rick close up the garage before the two wandered back into the house. They went into the kitchen and decided to make a snack. Each had decided on peanut butter and crackers and they sat at the table.

       "So, Rick, how'd the adventures go without me?" Morty had a peanut butter to cracker ratio of 3:1 as he devoured the glob, cleaning the peanut butter off his face. "They were euuugh difficult, to say the least. I couldn't stay in one spot t-too long or anything." 


        Several moments of silence passed as they enjoyed their crackers in relative silence, save for the occasional crunches. "Th-That didn't mean any-eugh-anything when you left, did it, Morty?" Morty stood and grabbed a napkin, "I think it's better if we pretend it never happened. I've accepted that you'll never want that, and I don't want to make you upset." 

       "That's what I mean eugh, though, Morty! You threw me off. eugh I went to that last dimension you visited, Morty. I saw it too. I don't know what you did to me Morty, but I don't like it." Rick stood and made his way up to his room, leaving Morty confused in the kitchen before he went and plopped down on the couch, pulling his phone out and reading fanfiction.

       Almost two hours had gone by, and Morty was still on the couch reading. Rick had snuck up behind the couch, extremely drunk, and read over Morty's shoulder for a moment. He smiled before leaning over, scaring the shit out of Morty. "You know," he winked, making hand gestures, "I could eugh make that into a reality." 

       Morty almost dropped his phone, gaping at Rick. "W-What?"

       "I told you, M-Morty euuuuugh yo-you did something. But thass okay because I'm drunk enough to say this, Morty." Rick leaned down, close to Morty's ear, "you're so hot." Rick started laughing before he pulled his hand over the back of the couch and started to rub Morty's chest. "R-Rick, w-" Morty was so red in the face. A major part of him knew Rick was just drunk, but a little part of him wanted to use that to his advantage. While still deep in though, Morty felt Rick run his fingers along his inner thigh, making him jump.

        "R-Rick, I think you should go to sleep for a little bit." Morty grabbed Rick's hand and guided him to the couch, laying him down and walking away. "Wait." Rick grabbed Morty's hand and pulled him down on top of him, wrapping his arms around Morty's waist. "Don't go yet." Morty shifted anxiously as Rick pulled him against his chest. Rick was behind him, acting as the big spoon while he buried his face in Morty's neck. The hot breath made Morty laugh slightly. His neck had always been ticklish. "Ssstay, M-Morty. I's okayy." Rick held Morty firmly in place, his hand draped over his midsection while his leg draped over Morty's own. Shutting his phone off, the younger decided to just go with the flow, but he couldn't stop thinking about Daemon.

       With a light groan, Morty turned his phone back on and opened his messenger. He had one message from Daemon, sent just two hours ago.

Big D
Yo, babe, how's it goin' with the fam? 

       Morty laughed. Every time they messaged, Daemon's contact name was always humorous. He had chosen it specifically for himself.

It's going good. Sorry, I was busy with stuff.

       Morty looked back at his sleeping grandfather, taking in his peaceful expression. He had walked in, hammered as usual, and groped Morty. Sure, Morty was happy he tried, but it had been so long, and he was with Daemon now. He knew he would've jumped at the offer in a heartbeat a few months ago, but Rick was Rick. For all Morty knew, he was just being a dick. Scowling, Morty looked back at his screen. A text had popped up on screen, and he was glad to have turned his sounds off.

Big D
'Stuff'? Wut u mean, bb?

Are you drunk? You only type like that when you are... and I was building a snowman with Summer.

Big D
Sry bab, its a prty. Ni big.

       Morty scowled. Daemon had yelled at him only a few days ago about not drinking over break, but here he was, drunk off his ass at a party. Morty didn't reply for a moment, wondering what the point was. Maybe he should just get drunk again. After all, in his current state, Daemon wouldn't care. When he was hammered, nothing could stop him.
        After a moment, Morty's screen lit up with another text.

Big D

Yea, I'm fine. Enjoy your party.

Big D
Luv u, bb. Send pic?

       Morty stared at his screen for a moment before looking at Rick's arm wrapped around his middle. He absolutely could not take any kind of photo right now. And he wasn't even sure he wanted to. 

Not rn, sorry.

       The second the next text appeared, Morty felt his heart drop to the center of the very earth.

Big D
Yo, Mortimer. IDK who you is, but IDC. Stop texting mah man.

       Morty clicked on the image, waiting for it to download. "N-n..." It was of Daemon, his classic drunken smile perched on his lips. He was splayed out of a random bed, nude, and another man was with him. His head blocked the tiny details, but Morty knew full well what was going on. His heart felt heavy in his chest, and he honestly felt sick. He laid there, staring at his screen for what felt like forever. Silent tears rolled down his face, falling onto Rick's arm that had been placed beneath Morty. He gave up on trying to remain silent, throwing his phone across the room. He shook violently, sobs racking his entire body. He wanted to punch something, break a figurine, anything. Anything that would help him right now.

       He wanted a drink. 

       Turning to Rick, still sound asleep behind him, Morty carefully peeled his lab coat away from his body and dug in the pocket, removing his flask. He moved carefully, trying his damnedest not to wake Rick as he unscrewed the lid. It smelled strong. Morty moved swiftly, tossing it back and chugging the container. He knew it wasn't an alcohol from an earth brewery. It was sweet and thick, easy to down. He replaced the flask, already feeling the effects. He was right, not an earth alcohol, though he wondered who, in their right mind, would want something that took effect so quickly.

       Removing himself from Rick's tired limbs, he stood and made his way upstairs, not bothering to grab his phone. 

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