Chapter 2

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Hope you like the chapter!  Please please vote and comment!!  Is definitely appreciated.  Always enjoy getting feedback on how I can better my writing skills^_^

Picture of Park Si Ho as Kim Su Dong.

Mama, Teacher Kim Su Dong is here for your lesson,” Court Lady Jo announced.

“Tell him to enter!” Princess Chaewon ordered as she settled behind her desk and arranged her skirt in a comfortable way.  

Chaewon heard the door open and softly close while a gentle padding of clothed feet padded across the floor.  Without warning, her heart began to beat in a very strange way.  She put a cautious hand against it.  She gazed up at the screen separating the two rooms as it was considered improper for a man to look at a woman.  All she could make out was the silhouette of a man shaded by the screen.  

Mama,” called out a voice which compelled her heart to beat faster. 

“Ye-yes, Teacher Kim?”

“Please open to the first chapter in The Classic of Filial Piety.”

She did as he indicated and they started on their lesson.  However, she was more concerned with the way his voice sounded and how smooth the words rolled off his tongue.  Such a lovely voice! she thought and sighed letting her daydreams consume her.

Mama.  Mama!” he called out.

“Wh-what?” she stuttered blinking in confusion.

“What does The Classic of Filial Piety say about the skin from which we have received from our parents?” he questioned.


“Are you not able to answer, mama?”


“I see.”  Teacher Kim sighed.  “Since your thoughts seem to be occupied elsewhere, we will conclude our lesson for today,” he said as she saw his silhouette close a book and gathering his supplies.


“Have the answer ready by the time of our next lesson,” he said as he started to get up.  He then bowed and left leaving a stunned princess still sitting behind the screen.

“How was your first lesson with Teacher Kim, Chaewon?” Queen Yun asked her daughter as they strolled through the garden.

At the mention of his name, Princess Chaewon frowned.  “I think he purposely tried to make me out a fool, Omamama!” she exclaimed looking at her mother.

“A fool?” the Queen inquired as she raised her eyebrows in shock.

“Yes!” Shifting her gaze, she narrowed her eyes in determination.  “By our next lesson, I will have the answer, and he will have to change his mind about me!”

Queen Yun smiled to herself.  I was right.  He is definitely good for the Crown Prince and my daughter.  

“So have you found the answer, gongjumama?” asked Kim Su Dong with a hint of a smirk coating his voice.

“Why, yes, Teacher.”  


“In the first chapter of The Classic of Filial Piety, it states that we receive our own skin from our parents.  When we cause injury upon our persons, it is also considered to be a lack of filial piety,” Princess Chaewon replied confidently.  She smirked.  Take that!  I’m not as dumb as you may think I am.

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