Chapter 7

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I'd like to thank all the wonderful readers who have all been supportive!  I'm actually quite surprised who has quite a bit of views as I never thought it would, especially in this point of time. Anyways, I always dedicate to my readers who are supportive of my works, so for this Peggychan12 gets the dedication for her awesome support!:)  Thank you everyone and please comment, vote, fan or whatever floats your boat.^^  I hope you enjoy this new installment of "Hwatu"!

A slight rain fell upon the earth creating crystal drops upon the leaves and lovely flowers of Princess Sohye’s garden as she stood staring out into the bleak afternoon feeling quite lost.  Ever since Princess Chaewon had stormed out of her chambers, she contemplated how she could help her mother out of her terrible situation.  She didn’t know who to turn to.

Suddenly, her court lady entered and announced that Suk-ui’s personal maid, Court Lady Han, requested an audience.   Princess Sohye furrowed her eyebrows wondering what she could possibly want. She sat behind her desk to wait for the elderly court lady.

Court Lady Han entered with a grim look upon her aging face.  They exchanged formalities and then she proceeded to say, “Onjumama.”

“Yes?” the princess inquired in curiosity.

Court Lady Han took out a decorative ceramic powder case and gently placed it upon the princess’ small desk.  “Suk-ui has ordered me to give this to you.  Along with this letter,” she explained taking an envelope out of her sleeve placing it next to the powder case.

“What for?” Princess Sohye asked now very confused as to what her mother would care to give her makeup to beautify herself.  Why would she think of something like this in her dire situation?  To Sohye, the idea was simply too ridiculous.  

“Suk-ui has instructed me to tell you to read the letter first before I am to explain anything,” Court Lady Han replied.

Princess Sohye proceeded to read the contents of the letter:

My dear daughter,

You are probably surprised by the contents that Court Lady Han has presented you.  I assure you that this is the only way for you and I to escape the situation that your father has put us through.  Please trust me and Court Lady Han.  Listen very carefully to what she has to say.  I promise that everything will be alright if you listen and do as she instructs, my darling.  I love you.

Tears began to trail down the princess’ face.  Quickly wiping them away, she looked up at Court Lady Han with a determined look  now willing to do anything to rescue her mother.  “What is it that I must do?”

“What?!” cried the princess in utter shock.  For the next few seconds, the whole room fell into a cold silence.  The young girl’s lips quivered and then she looked at her hands which were now clenching the fabric of her dress till her knuckled turned white.  Court Lady Han noted that Princess Sohye’s face was very pale.  “ this the only way?” she said softly.

With a solemn look, the old palace maid coldly answered, “Yes.  This is the only way.”

Standing up, Princess Sohye turned her back and stared at the lovely twilight as her hands braced her arms as if she was trying to hold herself together.  After a moment, she slightly turned around and stared at the decorative ceramic powder case.  “A-alright, I’ll do it.”

Kim Su Dong sat across his father who looked very grim at this moment.  “There is something of great importance that I must inform you,” Prime Minister Kim Hwang Bo said quietly.  He was wearing attire as if he was going out.

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