Author's Note

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To my fellor readers,

Sorry, I have not updated this story in a while.  I've been a bit busy with school and such, and just the story itself I have found very lacking.  It seems people like Hwatu the way it is, but I don't really like where it's going.  I'm thinking of rewriting it, but still keep the original premise of the story the same.  I have a whole new idea of where I'm going to take Grand Prince Yushin and his son, the Crown Prince.  Originally, I was going to mainly focus on Seol Hwa/Princess Chaewon, but after doing some more research and reading the book Memoirs of Lady Hyegyeong I have decided to model King Yeongjo and Crown Prince Sado after them--of course, not completely but just an idea of them.  I'm going to add a bit more poltics into the story.  Of course, the romance is going to be the main plot, but I want to concentrate more on familial relationships.  I'm still considering what to do with Seol Hwa...whether to keep her story as the princess or completely rewrite her own story.  I feel like if I were to rewrite the story, the characters wil be much deeper and thought provoking than the current story laid out.  I think the antagonists (aka Suk-ui, Grand Yushin) panned out well but the other characters are sorely lacking.  With the "good" protagonists, they seem the same to me.  I find a real hard time connecting them and feel that readers might find it a harder time to connect with them emotionally, especially Kim Su Dong.  And speaking of him, I'm also still not sure whether to keep Kim Su Dong or completely write him out.  

Basically, in simpler, shorter terms, I feel that this story is too light, non-complex than I wish it to be....with layers and a tint of darkness to it like my cover, per se?  Overall, I am totally unsatisfied with where this story is going and deciding how I am going to execute my revamp.  Again sorry for the long over due update.  I am sure this was not going what you were expecting.  I'm going to try to update Chapter 1 tomorrow and maybe 2, or a new story that's been churning in my head for about a year now but never had the "courage" to put it up.  I know I have a lot of unfinished stories posted but I've never found one that I was ever particularly connected to.  I definitely like Hwatu and will definitely continue it, but just the current one has left me completely unsatisfied.  While writing this story, I had the idea of wanting it to be deep and thought-provoking while you read it, but I feel I have failed in my own mission.  I want people to emotionally connect with the characters and if I can't, how do I expect my own readers to?  I think this is where my own problem lies with Hwatu.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2014 ⏰

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