Chapter 6

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Suk-ui was practicing her calligraphy when Court Lady Han announced the King’s arrival.  Upon hearing the announcement, the brush slipped from her fingers, and the tip of the brush made a big splat on her work.  She cleared her throat trying desperately to calm her erratic heart.  

Entering, the King gave Suk-ui a stone look and then his eyes traveled to papers scattered across her desk and then to the splat.  His eyes narrowed as his gaze traveled back to a frightened Suk-ui.  Usually, she was so calm and collected, but his mere presence this time made her cower in fear.  He knew for sure that something was definitely wrong.

Jeonha,” she muttered standing up.  She dared to look him in the eyes.  What she saw made her skin crawl.  His face was a mask of coldness and anger.  “What brings you here?”

“Here?  Must I have permission to visit my own concubine’s quarters?” he snapped frowning.

“Well, it’s not even night,” she said trying to ease the tension in the air.  She gave a shaky smile.

Ignoring her comment, the King simply passed her to sit in her spot.  “Sit.”  He gestured to the cushion across from him.

“Yes, jeonha,” she said humbly.

“I have brought the physician to take a look at you,” he said.

“Ph-physician?” she stammered looking up at him with fear.

“Yes.  I felt after our littler excursion last night that something must be ailing you,” he simply said.

“There’s certainly nothing wrong with me,” she replied bitterly replacing her frightened mask with a cold one.  How dare he try to pull one on me!

“Let the physician be the judge of that.”  He narrowed his eyes at her.

“I think I would know my own body better than a silly physician!” she yelled shooting up.  She clenched her hands at her sides feeling anger boiling inside of her.

“Physician Kim!” the King called out.

The physician  and his assistant came in and paid his respects to the King and Suk-ui.  “Please allow me and Physician Lady Lee examine you,” he said.

Suk-ui shot icy daggers at her husband.  “I do not wish to be subjugated to this kind of humiliation!”

“As your King, you will listen what I say!” he ordered angrily.

Her eyes widened.  She then proceeded to lie on the cushion to allow them to examine her.  After awhile, Physician Lady Lee proceeded to lift her skirt to reveal her stomach.  Suk-ui tried very hard not to push the wench away.  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that Physician Yun and the King were discussing something whose face was grim.

When they were done with their examination, the King and Suk-ui sat face to face.  “Do you have anything to say in your defense?” the King asked coldly.

“D-defense?  O-of course not,” she stumbled over her words.  “I have done nothing wrong.”

“You take me a fool?” he bellowed hurrling her ink tray at her which skinned the top of her head.  A river of blood meandered down her face and dripped on her green, silk skirt.  She sat there in silence not daring to look at him.  “I know of your betrayal!” he snapped sending a chill down her spine.  “Whose is it?” he demanded shaking a finger at her.

Suk-ui just sat there ignoring his questions.  “WELL?!” he yelled as he hurled her desk away and quickly rose to his full height.

“I cannot tell you,” she choked out.

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