Chapter 3

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Picture of Kim Su Dong and Chaewon.  Su Dong's father is on the left while Grand Prince Yushin is on the right.

After the exchange between the Queen and he, Su Dong paced back and forth in the courtyard of his home in deep thought.  The idea of marrying the princess brought a nervous feeling in the pit of his stomach.  He had no idea if was even ready yet, even though he was already twenty and his brothers had married even younger than him.

“Su Dong,” called out his father’s deep voice.

“Abuji,” he says bowing his head.  

“Let us go rest inside and share a cup of tea together.  I have something important to discuss,” he motioned to his quarters.  He followed his father and a servant brought a tray of snacks and tea.

When they were settled, Su Dong looked at Prime Minister Kim questioningly.  “What is it that you have to discuss with me?”

Su Dong’s father takes a sip of his tea and then clears his throat before answering.  “I had a very important discussion with the King the other day.”  He pursed his lips together while looking away in deep thought.

“About what?”

Prime Minister Kim shifted his gaze to his son.  “Concerning your marriage.”

“My marriage?”  His eyes widened.  It was the very same conversation with Queen Yun he had had earlier that day.  

“The King has informed me that he wishes to wed you to his daughter, Princess Chaewon.”  He looked at Su Dong concerned.  “Are you unhappy about the situation?”

“Unhappy?”  He thought for a moment.  He found Princess Chaewon undeniably amusing to converse with, but he was also able to hold an intelligible conversation with her.  She certainly did not lack of a dull personality.  Not only that, but she was also very beautiful.  A wonderful combination for an arranged marriage: intelligence and beauty.  However, she started to become more than that.  Her presence in his heart was gradually growing.  

Finally, he looked up at his father with a genuine smile.  “Go ahead, Abuji.  Enter my name for the selection of the Prince Consort.”

Prime Minister Kim gave his son a surprised look.  “Are you sure, my son?  You know that this marriage will be detrimental on your future government position. You wings will be clipped away,” he said with a clutched fist.  “How can you survive as a mere Prince Consort reduced to babysitting a spoiled princess and Crown Prince?”  

“My dear father,” he said.  “I am willing, and happily, to do the things you have mentioned.  The princess may be a bit spoilt, but she has a bright and kind heart.  The Crown Prince is just the same,” he assured him.

“Fine, I will allow it.”  He sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose tiredly.  “You may retire for the night now.”

Bowing, Su Dong said his good byes and smiled all the way to his own quarters.  The mere thought of being married to the princess sent his mind soaring.  

After his son left, Prime Minister Kim shook his head.  This won’t do.  We may need to move sooner than expected.  “Chul Su!” he calls out for his loyal servant.  

“Yes, Master?” Chul Su asks upon entering as he gives the Prime Minister a deep bow.  

“Send this to Grand Prince Yushin,” he ordered handing a folded paper to his servant.  “Let no one else handle this but yourself, and hand the letter to the Grand Prince yourself.”

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