More To The Story

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Kayla walked into the coffee house, where they met the detectives the other day. Sitting in the back of the room was the man, who interrogated them. His blue eyes watched her figure mince his way to him. She took a seat in front of him, dropping the binder under his nose.

"We signed it," Kayla pointed out and tapped her fingers against the wood of the table.

"I can see that. Follow me please," he winked at her, getting up and straightening his dark blue tie.

"I am not getting into your filthy car anymore!" she yelled after him.

With swing, he turned around, flashed his white teeth and kept on walking. Kayla watched his tight pants bounce through the door. She let out a loud sigh and followed the handsome man.

"Ladies first," the detective opened the door to a cab.

"How fancy, a cab!" she said sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes and told the driver where to take them. The car stopped in front of a big grey building, which looked very closed off from the busy city. The detective opened the heavy glass doors and guided her through the maze of storage lockers. He stopped in front of a door and pulled the door open. The lights were turned on exposing what was hidden in the room. I noticed two other figures standing in the room, becoming clear once the lights hit their features. It was Roy with the other detective. Confused she stepped into the room, which was a whole other world of its own. The walls were covered with maps, pictures and a lot of red string, creating an image.

She stood in the room finding herself trying to figure out what all these pictures and places were supposed to represent. A picture in the middle of the wall caught my eye. It was a picture of Wesley, the same one my boss had put in my file.

"Did they also bring you here in a cab?" Roy whispered to Kayla.

"Yes! One would think they would put more effort to show their power," she said out loud, wanting the detectives to hear her comment to provoke them a little.

Roy laughed but regretted it once the detectives glared at them.

"Now, this is how far we have come so far with this investigation," the man said walking to the board.

"Investigation? What are you trying to prove?" Kayla raised her voice.

"Yes, he has been on our radar for a while now," the woman replied, standing in a power pose.

"Don't you guys think we should get to know each other before we get working on this case?" Roy suggested with a cocky tone in his voice, which made Kayla snort in laughter.

"We already know your names," the man cackled, his voice remaining monotone like always.

"But we don't your names. You are just the man and the woman detective to us," Kayla said.

Both of the detectives sighed simultaneously. They could not escape the suggestion.

"This is Detective Dan, and I am detective Klara," the woman voiced.

"He looks more like a James to me, doesn't he Roy?" Kayla joked.

"Yes, he does. Detective James. You should really change your name to that," Roy suggested.

"I will keep that in mind," Dan rolled his eyes, tapping his foot hectically.

There was a possibility he was nervous or he was a smoker, who just needed to get 'fresh air'. Or maybe he was just impatient with them. After all, Roy and Kayla were trying their best to give them a hard time.

"Wesley Parker, 45, caucasian. At the age of 16, he was found selling drugs to his classmates. His record was cleared once he turned 18, but that did not stop him from getting his hands on the cocaine he was selling. For the past 27 years, we have been gathering evidence to put him behind bars for years."

"Not doing a very good job at it," Kayla interrupted Dan, laughing.

He shot a glare at her, but then carried on explaining: "He has cut ties with his supplier about 10 years ago. With all the money, he started the casino. We are sure that he has not touched drugs after his casino becoming very successful, which is his main source of income. Since you, Kayla, were ordered to kill Mr. Wesley, we presume one of his suppliers wants him out of the picture. Wes would be a risk to have running around, knowing their faces. Since they don't want their hands covered in blood, they have reached out to your agency, which still an abomination to the country. Kayla, you will carry on pretending to be his significant other, while you try to find out more and more about his past and maybe even hit the jackpot and get him to tell you the people he worked for. We can only give you 4 weeks, to complete the task, or else we will take over with the investigation and your 'business' of yours will be exposed to the whole world, throwing all of you mutts into rusty jail."

Kayla crossed her arms in front of her chest, trying to contain her fists from meeting the handsome detectives face. How dare he call them 'mutts'!

All four of them walked out of the building going their separate ways.

A/N: Another chapter done, another puzzle piece added. Thank you so much for taking the time to read an extract our of my imagination and this book of course! If you enjoyed it, please share, comment and vote! It would make me truly happy!

Can we just talk about the song "Redbone" by Childish Gambino, which is linked in the beginning of the chapter. This song is one of the most beautiful things I have heard in a while. Comment if you agree. And the VIBE, damnn I just feel so many things listening to this song, I just can't explain.

Once again THANK YOU! Have a great week and make sure to come back next week for the next chapter.

All the love xx

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