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My mother stares at me with a worried expression as I wheel around the house. Francis is close behind me in the other wheelchair, trying to catch up to me. When I'm at home I usually don't wear my prosthetic leg. I only ever use it in public so people don't stare as much. Most don't know I'm missing a leg because I always wear pants to hide the prosthetic. At home, I don't have to keep up appearances as much. 

"Be careful, Meg," Mom calls worriedly as Francis and I move past her. 

"Okay, Mom!" I call before turning down the hallway. We both slow down to soothe her nerves. My mom's been really worried about me as of late because of the blood tests. We won't find out the results for a couple more days, and while I'm not that worried, I know she is. Dad's been better at trying to hide how he feels but I see how he looks at me when he thinks I'm not looking. I wish that they'd talk to me about their feelings more often but they don't and I know that one day they're going to explode and start crying.

"So, were we going to work out later today?" Francis asks as he purposely runs his wheelchair into the back of mine.

"Oi, be careful, you know these are expensive," I say, grinning even though both of us know that the chairs would never break. I wheel forward and go to the staircase. "And how about we go now? We can change really quickly and go to the gym," I add as I get out of my chair and sit on the stairs. I begin to scoot up the stairs.

"Oh sure, that's fine with me," Francis says as he eagerly stands and moves both of the chairs off to the side. "You don't need help getting up to your room, right?" he asks, giving me a look with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm fine, thank you though," I say with a slight smile. "I'll meet you outside in ten minutes, I add before crawling my way up the stairs. I hear him leave my house and I put some sweatpants on. 

"You're going out?" Mom asks after I go back downstairs. She's frowning slightly as I put my leg on. "Don't strain yourself, okay?" 

"I promise I'll be careful," I say as I go and wrap my arms around her. "I won't push myself," I add softly.

"If you feel yourself getting faint, tell Francis," Mom says as she kisses my cheek. "I love you, Margaret," she adds quietly.

"I love you too, Mom," I say as I tighten my arms around her a little more. I pull away, grab my phone and a water bottle before walking outside. Francis is waiting for me and we walk over to the gym. It's fairly empty inside which I'm relieved about.

"So let's warm up first," I say when I see Francis beginning to get on the treadmill. "You could hurt yourself if you don't," I add, smirking when he gives me an annoyed 'you're right but I don't want to admit it' look.

"Meg, you know I hate stretching," he huffs as I sit and lean over to grab my toes.

"Then why do you always insist on coming with me to the yoga classes?" I ask, grinning.

"Well sorry for wanting to spend time with you," he grumbles, trying to sound mad. It doesn't work because he's grinning widely.

"One would think we spend too much time together," I muse quietly as I continue to stretch.

"Well we do but neither of us care," he shrugs. "Now, can we please run?" he asks.

"I'm just going to fast walk on the treadmill," I say. He nods, understanding why and together we go to the two free ones in the corner. I don't usually run because it feels weird with my prosthetic leg.

Peggy √  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now