Chapter 1 - Homecoming

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It's not the early morning phone call or rushing through an airport then a hospital that has me in such disarray. It isn't the fear of the unknown that has my stomach turning. I always knew there might be certain complications with me living 3000 miles away. But there is one thing I never took into consideration. Guilt.

It's bubbling in my gut. Soon, I will be choking on the shame of not being in the waiting room before now, impatiently waiting for news from the doctor. Instead, I am charging down hallways, pulling two heavy suitcases that I keep dropping because of my trembling hands. This day is already breaking my spirit, and the sun has yet to rise.

The mundane drone of beeping monitors escape the rooms of the cardiac ward. The lights are dim, and the hall smells of alcohol and disinfectant. The muffled static of doctor's names echoes over the intercom. Latex gloves snap and automatic sanitizing stations hum as nurses bounce from room to room. They look tired; it's probably getting close to shift change.

In the distance is the nurse's station, a box in the middle of the room filled with monitors and computers. On the wall behind the desk are white boards with patients last names and the nurse assigned to their room. Suddenly, the dark, warm aroma of roasted hazelnut fills my senses. The final push of the night.

The closer I get to the nurse's station, the harder my heart thumps. For seven hours I've worried about what I will see, what I will hear. Now on the verge of being brought into the light, I should be at ease, but it only makes my nerves shake more. I drop my suitcases. The clang of the metal hitting the floor echoed, disturbing the people in the waiting room as I pass.

"Nicole?" My head snaps in the direction of the voice whispering my name. I look up to see my younger brother, Lucas, slowly rising to his feet. "Nicole, is that you?"

The dam holding back the flood of tears comes crashing down. I leave both suitcases in the hallway and run toward Lucas. I slam into his chest, throwing my arms around him. I sob uncontrollably, while he gently strokes my hair. Being in the arms of my family should bring relief, but it only adds more regret.

Another set of hands falls on my shoulders. I lift my head as Tony, Lucas' twin, join our tearful embrace. There are so many questions brewing in my head. I need to know what the doctors said if there have been any changes since the early morning phone call. I try to speak, but words can't break through the sobs.

"Hey, it's ok Nicole," Tony whispers.

"Is he ok, Tony?" I don't recognize my voice as it trembles.

Tony nods, but the conflict in his eyes isn't reassuring. "Dad had a mild heart attack. There is some blockage in a small artery. Luckily, it doesn't require surgery. His doctor says he needs to make some changes at home with his diet and exercise, and he is going to be on medication, but he thinks Dad will be all right."

Relief washes over me and my tears dry up. My biggest fear was that I would get to the hospital too late; dad would be gone before I could see him. Knowing he is going to be fine helps ease that fear, but I still need to see him. I need to see with my own eyes that he's still breathing.

Reading my mind, Lucas nods. "Come on; we'll take you to him."

We start to walk down the hall when I stop. "My bags."

"We'll watch them," a voice says from the waiting room. "Go see your dad."

Two girls stand up, and though they look tired, they smile. Formal introductions are made, but they aren't necessary. Tony and Lucas have told me so much about their girlfriends. I feel like I already know them. Chloe, has short brown hair, while Lizzy, has blonde hair that is pulled back in a messy ponytail. Lucas blows a kiss to Chloe, and Tony squeezes Lizzy's hand, before leading me down the hall.

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