Chapter 4 - Trick or Treat

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Being in love is extraordinary. It's finding light in complete darkness; joy in sorrow. Before now, I never knew love, yet loving Marcus feels familiar. He's a part of me, intergraded into my soul like he's meant to be there. Together we are strong, and what we have is unbreakable.

I'm living the classic cliché: colors are more vibrant, food tastes better, the sun shines brighter, even when it isn't shinning at all. It's unbelievable what one person can do. But there are always two sides. On the other side of that perfectly, shiny coin, is the dull, sharp Nathan. He hasn't exactly been very accepting of my relationship with Marcus. A talk with Tony and treats from Marcus help Nathan keep his distance, but when he does get a chances, he's quick to voice his displeasure.

Thankfully football takes up most of Nathan's time. My parents are also away from the house a lot. Since my Dads trip to the hospital then getting the all clear, my parents have been enjoying life a little more. Weekend getaways, day trips, and fancy dinners have given Marcus and I a lot of alone time., and we are taking full advantage.

Usually I'm counting down the seconds until I'm alone with Marcus, especially since it's Friday, but today something else has me distracted. As we walk the halls, I notice small groups huddled together. There's whispering and giggling while each person holds an orange flyer. Marcus doesn't seem to be very curious, which only makes me more curious.

We round the corner toward my locked and discover the culprit of the flyers. A tall, blond, slender boy with blue eyes has his hands full with a group of over-excited, snickering girls. He glances up at us as he dishes out more flyers and smiles. He pulls himself from the group of girls and heads straight for us.

"Just the couple I was looking for," he says, handing me a flyer while looking at Marcus. "Now that you have a girlfriend, you have no reason to miss this year's festivities."

"I doubt she'll let me miss it," Marcus laughs as he drapes an arm over my shoulders. "Nicole, this is Eric Clark. He's a junior and plays football with your brothers."

Eric and I shake hands and say hello before he sees a group without flyers. "Next Saturday at my uncle's house, as always. And don't forget full costume."

"Full costume?" I mumble as I look closer at the flyer.

Eric is having a full blown Halloween costume party. There's even a warning at the bottom - No Costume - No Entry - No Exceptions. Eric apparently takes his Halloween parties seriously. It sounds like fun and I want to go. Thankfully when I look up at Marcus, he's already smiling.

"Of course we're going," he says cheerfully. "But I have two rules."

I laugh as I cross my arms. "This should be interesting."

Marcus copies me and crosses his arms. Oh, things just got serious. "Rule one, no tights. Lucas has worn tights the last two years and he's always miserable. Suggesting a costume requiring tights or pants that look like tights will be a violation of the rule and will result in us not going to the party."

I don't like the idea of Marcus in tights, so this is easy to agree too. No tights. Check.

I nod so Marcus continues. "Rule Two. Every year Lucas and Tony dress in costumes they hate, just to make their girlfriends happy. I don't want that. We have to agree. A violation of rule two and will result in not going to the party. Fair?"

More than fair, actually, so I also agree too this. We must agree. Check.

With a another nod and smile. I hold out my hand so we can shake on it, but Marcus laughs. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me close. His lips hover over mine as he whispers he loves me. Our lips meet and I melt. This is much better than a handshake.

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