Chapter 10 - Family Feud

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Sometimes the success of one relationship causes another to fail. You don't see the collapse coming; only the aftermath. Sometimes pieces are big enough to put back together. Other times there are only crumbles, making it nearly impossible to mend things. I never imagined I'd be in that kind of situation.

My relationship with Marcus is soaring. Our new physical and mental connections have brought us closer. We are deeper in love and each morning when I wake in his arms, our future together gets clearer. In each other, we have found our happily ever after.

Our new found closeness hasn't gone unnoticed. At first no one questions our story. The interrogations stop, so we assume the topic is closed. But Chloe can't stop sniffing around. Though she keeps her comments to herself, she is suspicious of every touch, and she isn't alone.

My parents are more watchful. We've started spending a lot of time at my house. It's harder for us to be alone, thus harder to be in a naked rumble. Before the formal, my parents only bothered us for dinner. After, they check on us every hour. They're as suspicious as Chloe, and I'm certain they know our secret, but Marcus isn't concerned.

"Why aren't you worried? I thought you wanted to keep this a secret," I say bewildered.

"If they know, they know," Marcus shrugs. "Our secret will eventually get out. We can't stop it, and that's ok. I'm not ashamed and I don't regret it. There's nothing wrong with what we did."

I lean over and quickly capture his lips. "I love you."

"I love you," he smiles. "Now, will you relax, please. Everything will be fine, you'll see."

Relaxing is a simple concept. Execution of that concept is not so simple. For some reason, the thought of my parents knowing our secret makes me uneasy. I don't believe they'll be as accepting of my sexual relationship as they are of Tony and Lucas'. This isn't a son versus daughter thing. This is a Marcus thing.

It's easier to put my parents out of my mind when I'm at school, mostly because I have Chloe to deal with. My parents are suspicious, but if our secret is going to get out, it will be her doing. She has this uncanny ability to see through people. I'm certain she already knows, she's just waiting for a hint of proof.

Finally I take Marcus' advice and put my parents and Chloe out of my mind. I jump back in our personal bubble and push out the rest of the world. Marcus loves it. As we sit down for lunch, Marcus locks his lips with mine. As his hands tangle in my hair, I realize he's back to enjoying himself.

Of course I'm enjoying myself, he laughs in my head. We're back to making out at lunch. Plus, I love being able to talk without releasing your lips. And I really love the dirty thoughts that slip through. I smile as our lips move faster and I feel my cheeks turn red. Don't worry baby. We have all weekend to address each and every one of those dirty thoughts.

"Jeez, again with the kissing," we hear Nathan say as he sits at the table. Marcus and I pull away to find the whole group has joined us. "Don't you two talk anymore?"

Marcus grows angry instantly. He wants to snap, but Chloe doesn't give him a chance. "You two have been more lip locked lately. Ever since the formal you two have had your hands all over each other."

Marcus, she's about to figure it out," I cry in his head, completely freaking out. I'm not ready for our secret to be out, especially here.

"Drop it, Chloe," Marcus snarls, but she ignores him.

It feels like everyone is watching us. Marcus takes my hand to calm me, but it doesn't stop me from shaking. I watch Chloe closely, and see the moment she figures it out. Her eyes grow wide, and I shake my head. I'm silently begging her to stay quiet, but the words are out.

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