Chapter 6 - The Real Marcus Cummings

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"You're a witch." I hear the words but I'm not sure I say them out loud.

I mumble the words again and again. It still doesn't sound right, it certainly doesn't feel right, but I know it's true. It's explains everything. It's Magic. That one, simple word sends my head spinning. I sink into the chair across from Marcus unable to look at him. Unable to speak.

My eyes fall to my open palms resting on my knees. They're pale, showing much more vein than usual. And they're shaking. Even with my fists balled up, they continue to shake. Adrenaline? Fear? Anger? Probably all three, but anger is winning. And it's all directed at Marcus.

I lift my head and look at him. He doesn't look well. His face has paled, and a shadow has formed under his eyes. A thin bead of sweat is visible along his furrowed brow. His knees move with a frenzied bounce while his fidgety thumbs twirl in circles. He's nervous. He should be.

"So the bright blue light from Nathan, the homeopathic vials for my dad, all Magic?" He nods and I feel like I might explode from anger, but I manage to stay calm. "You lied to me."

My voice is barely a whisper, but he hears me. He sits up quickly and stares at me with wide eyes. "No, Nicole, I didn't lie to you. I..."

"Lied," I say finishing his sentence. "By omitting the truth, you lied."

"I didn't lie, I just hadn't told you yet. It's not the same thing," Marcus mumbles as he drops his head.

With an unhumorous laugh, I jump to my feet. "You seriously believe that," I yell. "We're in a relationship, Marcus, one I thought was serious. This secret effects us both. If I would've known the truth, I never would've been alone with Nathan."

"You have every right to be mad at me, I get it, ok."

"It's more than that." My anger is growing every word. "I'm disappointed and hurt. You said you loved me. I thought that meant you trusted me, completely. How can I trust you, if you don't trust me?"

He begins pacing; mumbling under his breath. When he stops, he doesn't speak, at least not right away. He hesitates as he reaches for my hand, feeling I'll pull away. I'm angry, sure, but it doesn't mean I don't also need comfort. I interlace my fingers with his, and pull him to me. With a sigh, he wraps his arm tight around me.

"I'm sorry. You're right, I should've been honest from the very beginning, but I was scared. I..." He pauses and with a small smile, releases me just enough so to look in my eyes. "My love for you was instant. I was in love with you before I even knew what was happening."

I sigh as I slowly shake my head. "Being scared and in love doesn't explain why you hid this from me." His smile vanishes. "Why couldn't you tell me the truth?"

Marcus releases me and goes back to pacing the room, mumbling "why, why" under his breath. When he stops, he stares at the wall. "I'm more than a witch, Nicole, so much more. I was afraid to tell you because I didn't want you looking at me like I'm pure evil." He pauses as turns to me and takes my hand. "I want you to see me as the man I really am, not the witch everyone is afraid of."

"Marcus, I..."

"I was wrong to hide this from you, I see that now," he interrupts. "But in the beginning all I envisioned was you pushing me away, because all you'd see is a monster. I wasn't ready for that kind of heartache. I just wanted to call you mine, even if it was only for a little while."

His deception was guided by fear. Fear of me turning on him like it sounds so many have done. It's hard to stay made at him, hard to deny his love. He's just trying to hold on. I still wish I knew the truth before Nathans attack, but I'm not going to beat him up for it. He's doing enough of that himself.

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