chapter one

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difficulty or problems.


My fingers scanned across the thin paper, while I flicked over to the next page after reading the final sentence. As I reached a plot thickening stage in the book, my mom called my name, making me internally groan.
" Isabella! Kaylee's here!! " My mom yelled from downstairs.
" coming!! " I shouted back, desperately rummaging around for my back pack before closing the book.
One of the most annoying things is putting a book down halfway through a chapter, to me it is, anyway.

Once I'd successfully collected all of my stuff I rushed down the stairs, leaping down each step excitedly. The only reason I was excited this morning was because I get to see my cousin. Kaylee was away in Ibiza with her boyfriend for two weeks, who she fights with non stop. One minute they're together happily, and the next she's screaming at him to leave and newer come back. It's all quite confusing, really.

I waved at my mom and auntie, who'd probably just arrived. The sound of a car horn was heard, and I laughed while closing the front door behind me and rushing towards her car. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky, which is my favourite type of weather. When the suns shining but there's also a cool breeze... it can't get any better than that. Kaylee usually gives Brady and I a ride to and from school everyday, but today it's just me.
" No Brady? " Kaylee chuckled, turning down the music which was blasting loudly through the car.
I shook my head, throwing my bag into the backseat and buckling up my seatbelt.
" Nope, he ate a McDonald's burger and got pretty bad food poisoning " I explained, as a Kaylee shook her head in amusement.
She started the car, turning the music back up slightly and humming along to the lyrics.
" How was Ibiza? Or more importantly, how's Dylan?? " I chuckled, as she shrugged her shoulders in response.
" the usual... him being a dick and complaining every two seconds... I seriously think I'm done this time " She sighed, although seeming quite happy as she spoke.
I raised a brow, contemplating whether she was being serious or not this time.
" that's what you said the last time... and the time before, and before " I laughed, as she smirked, leaning over to open my car door for me.
" we're here, enjoy school bitch! " She yelled, as I grabbed my bag and got out of the car while laughing.
I live only around a three minute drive from school, so I technically could walk. But Kaylee being Kaylee insists that she drives me... I'm not complaining though!
Kaylee was about to drive off before she readjusted her sun glasses, so I could see her perfectly shaped brows that were now furrowed.
" remember, we're going to hang out tonight once I pick you up... so don't make plans " She pointed out, and I nodded.
" and what plans do you think I'd make? More importantly, who the hell with? " I laughed, as she shrugged and waved.
I waved back, as she drove off back towards my house, or Dylan's... who knows?


School today was the usual, stares from the guys, glares from the girls, smiles from the teachers... but then again, no conversation. Luckily I had a day off from being the school photographer, and I could spend my time finishing off that book or reading celebrity gossip online at lunch. Usually if I were with Brady, he'd drag me up to the soccer field to watch hot guys play. If we're being specific, Parker. But today I decided that I wouldn't be the girl who sits alone and watches, so I chose to go to my favourite spot.
However, I still had one more lesson until the end of school, and that was Chemistry.

My eyes scanned across the board, as I jotted down the notes that Mrs Layers was writing down. I wrote at a fast speed, hoping that I'd get an extra few minutes to simply watch the time go by, and then leave to go home. Just as I finished writing, I directed my attention back to the board, resting my chin against the palm of my hand and sighing.
As I watched the class continue writing, I saw a scrunched up paper ball fly across the room, landing perfectly on Mrs Layers desk. She let out a grunt, opening it up and standing at the front of the class.
" who threw this in my classroom? " She asked, her bushy eyebrow raised as she spoke.
Gosh, she needs to pluck them.
Half of the class turned to look at Parker, who had his signature smirk plastered across his face as he sat up straight, clearly quite proud of his actions. Mrs Layers placed a hand on her hip, while using the other to point at him. Her hand moved across the room, stopping and pointing at the chair right next to me. shit.
His eyes met with mine, a small smile curving on his lips as he stood up, collecting his stuff and throwing it into his bag carelessly. The whole class watched as he strolled over to the back of the class, pulling out the chair beside me and throwing his bag back down on the ground as he did so. I felt my breath hitch as he sat next to me, gripping the pen tightly in his hand and continuing to copy the notes down. Everyone in the class returned their attention back to their own work, while I sat still, flustered on how to act in front of such a perfect being.

I felt Parker's eyes on me, but I refused to turn to my side and look at him, just in case I was mistaken or came to awkward eye contact. Suddenly, I heard a quiet voice, making me snap out of my daydream.
" How are you already finished? " Parker chuckled, looking down at my notes and back up at me.
His eyes sparkled as he spoke, making me ten times more nervous.
" Quick writer, I guess " I smiled, as he nodded and put his pen down, rolling slightly before it hit his textbook and stopped.
" I've seen your photos for the school... they're really good " He complimented, and I felt my cheeks turn a light shade of pink at the sudden attention.
" thanks... " I stuttered, not knowing how to carry on with a conversation from there.
" you know... you're like, really smart " Parker told me, and I raised a brow.
" that's a good thing, like I fucking wish I was really really smart " Parker chuckled, and I shrugged.
" well you could be " I spoke up, as he raised a brow.
" you just need a tutor, or something " I suggested, as a small smirk appeared.
" well, you could tutor me... you don't have too, just an idea " Parker said anxiously, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
" yeah! of cour- I mean.. sure " I said almost too enthusiastically, soon changing my tone of voice to sound a lot more calm.
He chuckled, nodding his head happily.
" thanks, I guess I'll text you or something " He smiled, handing me his phone to type my number in.
I nervously took it, typing in the digits before handing it back. Holy shit, Parker Daniels has my number.
" put your phone away, Daniels! You need to write your notes " Mrs Layers scolded, knocking us back into reality.
" actually, Mrs'd be pleased to know that Isabella is going to tutor me, so I might need her number " Parker said clearly, as half of the class started to laugh or mutter things.
" smooth " Parker's friend, Eric, said, making Parker laugh as he shook his head.
I immediately blushed bright red, covering my face by itching the side of my head. Great coverup, Isabella.
" oh, well okay... Isabella, please let me know how Mr Daniels does with his tutoring... but now you- " Mrs Layers began, being cut off by the bell halfway through.
She went silent, sitting back in her seat and pulling out her phone.
So much for no phones.
Instantly all of the students stood up, rushing towards the door, desperate to leave. I waited back, leaving once the pushing and shoving had finished. Parker seemed to have done the same, looking around the corridor for anyone before waving at me.
I mentally fangirled, screaming at the fact that Parker actually spoke to me, and got my number. Yes, It's for tutoring, but he has it! I went straight to the exit, desperate to tell Kaylee all about this.


" wait... so you gave him your number? " Kaylee asked for the fiftieth time, while slurping on her drink that she'd gotten from starbucks.
I nodded, still trying to process the information myself.
" It was just for tutoring, so don't make it a big deal " I told her, as she coughed, almost choking on her drink.
" It is a big deal! You've liked this guy for ages, and he's finally noticing you... it's kinda big, if you ask me " Kaylee smirked, throwing the now empty bottle into the trash can beside my bed.
I sighed, trying to think of a way to change the subject.
" anyway... how's you and Dylan? " I asked, as she groaned, falling back onto my bed and messing up the newly made sheets along the way.
" I went to his house today, told him I wanted to break up... and he called me a gold digger! like what the fuck?? " Kaylee yelled angrily, smacking the pillow in frustration.
" why a gold digger? " I chuckled, looking out of my window and at the blue sky as I spoke.
" probably because he paid for the holiday to Ibiza... but I offered to, he just insisted! " Kaylee explained, and I nodded in response.

The rest of the night was spent with Kaylee, who wouldn't stop talking about Dylan and his mountain of problems. It was quite entertaining, if I'm honest. But there's one thing that I couldn't get off my mind. Parker. What if he's acting all friendly and being nice, just so he can get good grades and drop me? I'm not so sure, but it's worth a try, right?


A/N- first chapter! It wasn't the best, but I'm hoping you guys still enjoyed! I'm so so happy that I've now started to upload the chapters💗

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