chapter forty three

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" I'd love to be your date to prom, Bella " Grayson beamed, looking at me as if I were art.
I smiled widely, as he placed me down on the ground, his hands remaining on my waist.
" I'm glad, otherwise everyone would be waiting for no reason " I chuckled, while he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, making me giggle.
" all of our friends are currently waiting for us, so we can go for a celebratory meal " I smirked, as he grinned, clearly liking the idea.
" who's coming? " He asked, making me all giddy.
" Ethan of course... Kaylee, Shelby, Brady, Jack, Aaron, Nash and Hayes " I smiled, while he nodded, his eyes sparkling.
" thank you so much, Bella " Gray begun, pecking my cheek gently.
I took his hand, lacing his fingers with mine and shaking my head at him.
" no... thank you " I told him, before he pulled me towards the exit of the treehouse, clearly desperate to see all of his friends at the restaurant.

We pulled up in my mom's car, parking along the side of the road before climbing out. Grayson was more than excited, he was ecstatic, and it was one of the cutest things watching him be so happy about something I'd done.
" they're already at the table " I told him, as we stepped inside, the music now loud in our ears and the chattering amongst the place obvious.
It was clearly quite popular, it always had been.
Grayson spotted everyone, his grin growing as he took my hand again, pulling me towards them. Everyone greeted us, the same question being thrown around the table as we both sat next to one another beside Ethan and Kaylee.
" so, what'd you say? " Nash asked Grayson, referring to prom.
Ethan rolled his eyes, sighing at Nash.
" do you really think they'd be here right now if he hadn't said yes? " Ethan teased, while Nash fell silent, shrugging in response.
I laughed, nodding my head before speaking up.
" he said yes " I told them, while a few cheered, making Grayson laugh.
The topic changed, to the most random things, and we ordered our food. I was looking forward to eating here since it had some really great reviews, especially with all of my friends.
I looked towards the other side of the booth we were at, smirking to myself when I saw Shelby and Jack sitting beside one another, chatting away. They clearly weren't as shy as they were the first time, and were getting along well, which was cute.

After we ate our food we ordered desert, since Ethan said that he'd be paying. We all tried to decline the offer, but he insisted, which I didn't exactly have a problem with as soon as I saw the bill, if I'm honest.
" so, when are we going dress shopping? " Kaylee asked Shelby and I, while we shrugged.
" I'm coming with! I can't go suit shopping with the guys, it's too tempting " Brady sighed, making everyone laugh.
" that's fine, I'll probably need your advice anyway " I laughed, while Brady smirked, shimmying his shoulders a little.
" what colour dress are you thinking of going for, Isabella? " Hayes asked me, while I grinned, an idea in mind.
" a light pink... that's what I've wanted for so long " I told them, while Grayson smiled, looking excited.
" I'm going for a dark blue " Shelby told us all.

The rest of the night flew by, and ended by Grayson and I driving back to mine. Jack took Shelby home, and I'm pretty sure they exchanged numbers. I could see how happy she was, and it was adorable.
" thank you for tonight, Bella " Grayson smiled, as we walked up my path, pushing open the door and removing our shoes.
" stop thanking me " I giggled, locking the front door and placing the key down, heading up to my room with Grayson following me.
I pushed open the door, instantly letting out a yawn as I sat down on my bed, Grayson doing the same.
He fell back on the bed, his eyes closed and his arms above his head. I smiled at the sight, admiring how amazing Grayson really is. I climbed on top of him, my face buried into his chest as I wrapped my arms around him. His arms instantly fell around me, and a soft kiss was placed on my head.
" I can't wait for prom now, and for you to graduate " Grayson said, as I looked up at him.
" me too, once I graduate I have so many things I want to do... " I told him, and his lips curved up into a smile as he sat up, pulling me onto his lap.
" like what? " he asked, and I smiled.
" travel... especially to New York, that's like my dream place to go " I explained, while he nodded, taking in the information.
" one day, we'll go together " Gray whispered, pecking my cheek.
I grinned at the idea, throwing my arms around his neck and kissing his lips, something I will never get over.
" I love you " I said against his lips, feeling him smile.
" I love you too "


A/N- I finally updated bitches

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