Chapter 2 || Jeffrey

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Jeffrey did grow up, and he grew up fast. He and Bill and Charlie were the perfect trio, always making trouble, although Jeffrey was sometimes left out of things because he was too small. He hated having to stay home with Mummy while Daddy took his brothers to fun things, like play dates or the muggle toy store.

When Jeffrey was four, he got his own little brother, Percy. It was fun now, not being the baby. And now, Mummy was never paying attention to what he, Bill, and Charlie were doing.

But all good times must come to an end. One day, an owl came in for Bill! That was strange, because owls only came for Mummy and Daddy. But Bill excitedly told them that it was from Hogwarts. Hogwarts! They had heard all about Hogwarts, of course. Mummy and Daddy loved telling them stories of when they went there. But now Bill was going! This was almost as exciting as Jeffrey's birthday, when he had gotten his very own broom. When they went shopping together the next day, Jeffrey was so proud of Bill. He was all grown up now, going to Hogwarts! They went to the train station and said goodbye.

Arthur put his hand on Bill's shoulder. "Good luck," he said solemnly.

"Thanks, Dad."

Molly hugged Bill tight. "Goodbye, dear," she said warmly.

"Bye, Mum. I promise I'll write." Bill gently kissed Percy's forehead. "I'll miss you, Perce."

Then Bill turned to Charlie. "Bye, Charlie. I'll write every week."

"Bye, Bill. I'll miss you."

Finally, Bill bent down to little five year-old Jeffrey and ruffled his hair. "Hey, you gonna help Mummy with Percy?"

"Yes!" declared Jeffrey. "And I'll take care of Charlie, too!"

Bill chuckled as Charlie rolled his eyes. "Alright. Bye, guys!"

Bill got on the train right before it started moving. "Mum, can we chase the train?" Charlie asked.

"Yes, but come right back," Molly said, fussing with Percy. Charlie grabbed Jeffrey's hand and together they raced down the platform for the last glimpse of their big brother.

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